Sends a password reset request to an email address. This method supports the PKCE flow.
only sends a password reset link to the user's email. To update the user's password, see updateUser()
event will be emitted when the password recovery link is clicked. You can use onAuthStateChange()
to listen and invoke a callback function on these events.redirectTo
parameter. See redirect URLs and wildcards to add additional redirect URLs to your project.updateUser()
:const \{ data, error \} = await supabase.auth.updateUser(\{
password: new_password
The email address of the user.
const \{ data, error \} = await supabase.auth.resetPasswordForEmail(email, \{
redirectTo: '',
* Step 1: Send the user an email to get a password reset token.
* This email contains a link which sends the user back to your application.
const \{ data, error \} = await supabase.auth
* Step 2: Once the user is redirected back to your application,
* ask the user to reset their password.
useEffect(() => \{
supabase.auth.onAuthStateChange(async (event, session) => \{
if (event == "PASSWORD_RECOVERY") \{
const newPassword = prompt("What would you like your new password to be?");
const \{ data, error \} = await supabase.auth
.updateUser(\{ password: newPassword \})
if (data) alert("Password updated successfully!")
if (error) alert("There was an error updating your password.")
\}, [])