property in the signInWith(SSO)
method to start a sign-in flow.providerId
property. For example:
The OAuth provider to use for the user's authentication, in this case `SSO`.
The redirect url to use. If you don't specify this, the platform specific will be used, like deeplinks on android.
The configuration for signing in with an OAuth provider.
// You can extract the user's email domain and use it to trigger the
// authentication flow with the correct identity provider.
supabase.auth.signInWith(SSO) \{
domain = ""
//the url was opened automatically, if you don't want that, provide a custom redirect url
// Useful when you need to map a user's sign in request according
// to different rules that can't use email domains.
supabase.auth.signInWith(SSO) \{
providerId = "21648a9d-8d5a-4555-a9d1-d6375dc14e92"
//the url was opened automatically, if you don't want that, provide a custom redirect url