Independently of which Supabase module you are using, you will need to initialize the main client first and install the module.
To create a new client, you can use the createSupabaseClient
When installing a module, you can pass a block to configure it.
supabase-kt provides several platform implementations for OAuth and OTP link verification.
On JVM, it uses a HTTP Callback Server to receive the session data from a successful OAuth login.
Note: OTP link verification such as sign ups are not supported on JVM. You may have to send a verification token rather than a url in your E-Mail. To send the token, rather than a redirect url, you have to change \{\{ .ConfirmationURL \}\}
in your sign up email to \{\{ .Token \}\}
On Android, IOS & macOS, it uses deeplinks. Refer to the guide below on how to setup deeplinks. Alternatively you could use Native Google Auth or a WebView for OAuth. Refer to our demo to learn more. On JS, it uses the website origin as the callback url. Session importing gets handled automatically. Windows, tvOS, watchOS & Linux currently have no default implementation. Feel free to create a PR.
You always make your own implementation and use gotrue.parseSessionFromFragment(fragment)
or gotrue.parseSessionFromUrl(url)
to let supabase-kt handle the parsing after receiving a callback. Then you can simply use gotrue.importSession(session)
Deeplinks are supported on Android, IOS and macOS.
and the scheme
in the GoTrue config:
install(GoTrue) \{
host = "deeplink host" // this can be anything, eg. your package name or app/company url (not your supabase url)
scheme = "deeplink scheme"
//Android only, you can also change that OAuth/SSO logins open in a custom tab, rather than an external browser:
defaultExternalAuthAction = ExternalAuthAction.CUSTOM_TABS //defaults to EXTERNAL_BROWSER
Then you can just login using OAuth:
Or open OTP links directly in your app.
supabase-kt supports the PKCE authentication flow. To use it, you just have to change the flowType
in the GoTrue configuration:
install(GoTrue) \{
flowType = FlowType.PKCE
That's it! If you already implemented deeplinks to handle OTPs and OAuth you don't have to change anything!
val supabase = createSupabaseClient(
supabaseUrl = "",
supabaseKey = "public-anon-key"
) \{
//install other modules
val supabase = createSupabaseClient(
supabaseUrl = "",
supabaseKey = "public-anon-key"
) \{
install(GoTrue) \{
alwaysAutoRefresh = false // default: true
autoLoadFromStorage = false // default: true
//and more...
val supabase = createSupabaseClient(
supabaseUrl = "",
supabaseKey = "public-anon-key"
) \{
install(Postgrest) \{
defaultSchema = "schema" // default: "public"
propertyConversionMethod = PropertyConversionMethod.SERIAL_NAME // default: PropertyConversionMethod.CAMEL_CASE_TO_SNAKE_CASE
val supabase = createSupabaseClient(
supabaseUrl = "",
supabaseKey = "public-anon-key"
) \{
install(Storage) \{
transferTimeout = 90.seconds // Default: 120 seconds
val supabase = createSupabaseClient(
supabaseUrl = "",
supabaseKey = "public-anon-key"
) \{
install(Realtime) \{
reconnectDelay = 5.seconds // Default: 7 seconds
val supabase = createSupabaseClient(
supabaseUrl = "",
supabaseKey = "public-anon-key"
) \{
install(Functions) \{
//no custom settings
val supabase = createSupabaseClient(
supabaseUrl = "",
supabaseKey = "public-anon-key"
) \{
install(GraphQL) \{
apolloConfiguration \{
//custom configuration