Error: "Connection refused" when trying to connect to Supabase database
Last edited: 1/18/2025
If you're not able to connect to the Supabase database and see the error connect ECONNREFUSED
or psql: error: connection to server at "" (, port 5432 failed: Connection refused Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
, this could be because there are banned IPs on your project caused by Fail2ban as it kicks in when attempting 2 wrong passwords in a row.
These bans will clear after 30mins but you can unban the IPs using the Supabase CLI following the commands below.
How to list the banned IPs:
_10% supabase network-bans get --project-ref <project_reference_id> --experimental
How to unban the IPs:
_10% supabase network-bans remove --db-unban-ip <ip_address> --project-ref <project_reference_id> --experimental