Upgrade your organization directly from our pricing page
Users who are logged in will now be able to select and upgrade their organization from the pricing page itself when clicking on the Upgrade to Pro / Team plan buttons. This is mainly to help streamline this process so that users can upgrade their existing organizations, and prevent confusions where users end up creating new paid organizations instead.
PR: https://github.com/supabase/supabase/pull/28942
Link: https://supabase.com/pricing
UI improvements around credit card billing information
The selected payment method on the billing page is easily missed as you'll need to scroll down before finding it. In particular with outstanding invoices, it may not be obvious that the wrong card (or even expired card) might have been selected as the default. As such we now will
- Indicate which cards are about to expire (within the current month)
- Indicate which cards have expired
- Show the selected payment method, along with a quick link to change it on the invoices page
PR: https://github.com/supabase/supabase/pull/28971
Link: https://supabase.com/dashboard/org/_/billing
Set payment method as default when adding a new payment method
When adding a new payment method, we have now added a checkbox to set the card as default which is toggled on by default. This should resolve a UX issue whereby customers needed to explicitly set the card as default in a separate manual step after adding it.
PR: https://github.com/supabase/supabase/pull/28921
Link: https://supabase.com/dashboard/org/_/billing
Choose which schemas to share with OpenAI
This mainly applies to wherever the Supabase AI assistant is present in the dashboard (SQL Editor + RLS policies). You can now choose which schemas to share with OpenAI as opposed to sending information from all schemas in hopes to improve the output quality of the assistant by only sharing relevant information for your prompts to the assistant.
Do keep in mind that you'll need to opt in to sending anonymous data to OpenAI prior to doing this 🙂 You may also verify exactly what data is being sent here as well under "Important information regarding opting in"!
PR: https://github.com/supabase/supabase/pull/28594
Link: https://supabase.com/dashboard/project/_/sql/new
Other improvements and bug fixes
- Show which is the last sign in method used on login page (PR)
- Added 3 new regions to spin up projects from: Ohio, Stockholm, Paris, and Zurich (PR)
- Commands added for cmd+k to search and open snippets in the SQL Editor (PR)
- Support pasting image (via Cmd/Ctrl + v) in the feedback widget (PR)
- Use expanding text area for RLS AI assistant for multi line prompts (PR)
- Save last selected schema, no longer defaults to public schema (PR)
- Set the correct schema in the schema selector when opening a table via URL directly (PR)
- Support exporting table data as SQL seed file (PR)
- Couple of fixes for bugs around composite foreign keys (PR)
- Improve display of estimated row count for the table if the table has > 50k rows, to emphasize that it's an estimated count (PR)
- Spreadsheet import now checks column types from imported spreadsheet (PR)
- Fix folder name editing where clicking on the input field toggles the folder (PR)
- Support opening cell value via right click into a side panel for a more detailed view (PR)
- "With check" checkbox is toggled on by default for commands that involve a with check expression (PR)
- Support searching and sorting buckets (PR)
- Support copying cell content via context menu (PR)