Converting SQL to JavaScript API
Many common SQL queries can be written using the JavaScript API, provided by the SDK to wrap Data API calls. Below are a few examples of conversions between SQL and JavaScript patterns.
Select statement with basic clauses
Select a set of columns from a single table with where, order by, and limit clauses.
12345select first_name, last_name, team_id, agefrom playerswhere age between 20 and 24 and team_id != 'STL'order by last_name, first_name desclimit 20;
123456789const { data, error } = await supabase .from('players') .select('first_name,last_name,team_id,age') .gte('age', 20) .lte('age', 24) .not('team_id', 'eq', 'STL') .order('last_name', { ascending: true }) // or just .order('last_name') .order('first_name', { ascending: false }) .limit(20)
Select statement with complex Boolean logic clause
Select all columns from a single table with a complex where clause: OR AND OR
123select *from playerswhere ((team_id = 'CHN' or team_id is null) and (age > 35 or age is null));
12345const { data, error } = await supabase .from('players') .select() // or .select('*') .or('team_id.eq.CHN,') .or(',') // additional filters imply "AND"
Select all columns from a single table with a complex where clause: AND OR AND
123select *from playerswhere ((team_id = 'CHN' and age > 35) or (team_id != 'CHN' and age is not null));
1234const { data, error } = await supabase .from('players') .select() // or .select('*') .or('and(team_id.eq.CHN,,and(team_id.neq.CHN,')