
Migrating within Supabase

Migrate from one Supabase project to another

Migrating projects can be achieved using the Supabase CLI. This is particularly useful for older projects (for example to use a newer Postgres version).

Before you begin

  • Install Postgres so you can run psql and pg_dump.
  • Install the latest version of Supabase CLI.
  • Create a new Supabase project.
  • Install Docker Desktop for your platform.
  • Set environment variables for the old project's database URL as $OLD_DB_URL and the new project's as $NEW_DB_URL. To find the database URL for a project, go to the project's dashboard page Project Settings/Database and look under Connection string. If your network provider supports IPv6, you can disable Use connection pooling. Otherwise, enable Use connection pooling. For the pooler mode, Transaction will work.

Backup your old database

  1. Run the following command from your terminal:

supabase db dump --db-url "$OLD_DB_URL" -f roles.sql --role-only
supabase db dump --db-url "$OLD_DB_URL" -f schema.sql
supabase db dump --db-url "$OLD_DB_URL" -f data.sql --use-copy --data-only

Restore to your new project

In your new project:

  1. Enable Database Webhooks if you enabled them in your old project.
  2. Enable any extensions that were enabled in your old project.

If you use column encryption, first copy the root encryption key to your new project using your Personal Access Token.

export OLD_PROJECT_REF="<old_project_ref>"
export NEW_PROJECT_REF="<new_project_ref>"
export SUPABASE_ACCESS_TOKEN="<personal_access_token>"
curl "$OLD_PROJECT_REF/pgsodium" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $SUPABASE_ACCESS_TOKEN" |
curl "$NEW_PROJECT_REF/pgsodium" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $SUPABASE_ACCESS_TOKEN" \
-X PUT --json @-

Then run the following command from your terminal:

psql \
--single-transaction \
--variable ON_ERROR_STOP=1 \
--file roles.sql \
--file schema.sql \
--command 'SET session_replication_role = replica' \
--file data.sql \
--dbname "$NEW_DB_URL"

Setting the session_replication_role to replica disables all triggers so that columns are not double encrypted.

Troubleshooting notes:

  • If you have created any custom roles with login attribute, you have to manually set their passwords in the new project.
  • If you run into any permission errors related to supabase_admin during restore, edit the schema.sql file and comment out any lines containing ALTER ... OWNER TO "supabase_admin".

Preserving migration history

If you were using Supabase CLI for managing migrations on your old database and would like to preserve the migration history in your newly restored project, you need to insert the migration records separately using the following commands.

supabase db dump --db-url "$OLD_DB_URL" -f history_schema.sql --schema supabase_migrations
supabase db dump --db-url "$OLD_DB_URL" -f history_data.sql --use-copy --data-only --schema supabase_migrations
psql \
--single-transaction \
--variable ON_ERROR_STOP=1 \
--file history_schema.sql \
--file history_data.sql \
--dbname "$NEW_DB_URL"

Schema changes to auth and storage

If you have modified the auth and storage schemas in your old project, such as adding triggers or RLS policies, you have to restore them separately. The Supabase CLI can help you diff the changes to these schemas using the following commands.

supabase link --project-ref "$OLD_PROJECT_REF"
supabase db diff --linked --schema auth,storage > changes.sql

Enable publication on tables

Replication for Realtime is disabled for all tables in your new project. On the Publications page in the Dashboard, select your new project and enable replication for tables that were enabled in your old project.

Migrate storage objects

The new project has the old project's Storage buckets, but the Storage objects need to be migrated manually. Use this script to move storage objects from one project to another.

// npm install @supabase/supabase-js@1
const { createClient } = require('@supabase/supabase-js')
const OLD_PROJECT_URL = ''
const OLD_PROJECT_SERVICE_KEY = 'old-project-service-key-xxx'
const NEW_PROJECT_URL = ''
const NEW_PROJECT_SERVICE_KEY = 'new-project-service-key-yyy'
;(async () => {
const oldSupabaseRestClient = createClient(OLD_PROJECT_URL, OLD_PROJECT_SERVICE_KEY, {
db: {
schema: 'storage',
const oldSupabaseClient = createClient(OLD_PROJECT_URL, OLD_PROJECT_SERVICE_KEY)
const newSupabaseClient = createClient(NEW_PROJECT_URL, NEW_PROJECT_SERVICE_KEY)
// make sure you update max_rows in postgrest settings if you have a lot of objects
// or paginate here
const { data: oldObjects, error } = await oldSupabaseRestClient.from('objects').select()
if (error) {
console.log('error getting objects from old bucket')
throw error
for (const objectData of oldObjects) {
console.log(`moving ${}`)
try {
const { data, error: downloadObjectError } = await
if (downloadObjectError) {
throw downloadObjectError
const { _, error: uploadObjectError } = await
.upload(, data, {
upsert: true,
contentType: objectData.metadata.mimetype,
cacheControl: objectData.metadata.cacheControl,
if (uploadObjectError) {
throw uploadObjectError
} catch (err) {
console.log('error moving ', objectData)

Transfer to a different organization

Note that project migration is for transferring your projects to different regions. If you need to move your project to a different organization without touching the infrastructure, see project transfers.