Local-first Realtime Apps with Expo and Legend-State

23 Sep 2024

11 minute read

Legend-State is a super fast all-in-one state and sync library that lets you write less code to make faster apps. Legend-State has four primary goals:

  1. As easy as possible to use.
  2. The fastest React state library.
  3. Fine-grained reactivity for minimal renders.
  4. Powerful sync and persistence (with Supabase support built in!)

And, to put the cherry on top, it works with Expo and React Native (via React Native Async Storage). This makes it a perfect match for building local-first mobile and web apps.

What is a Local-First Architecture?

In local-first software, "the availability of another computer should never prevent you from working" (via Martin Kleppmann). When you are offline, you can still read and write directly from/to a database on your device. You can trust the software to work offline, and you know that when you are connected to the internet, your data will be seamlessly synced and available on any of your devices running the app. When you're online, this architecture is well suited for "multiplayer" apps, as popularized by Figma.

To dig deeper into what local-first is and how it works, refer to the Expo docs.

How Legend-State makes it work

A primary goal of Legend-State is to make automatic persisting and syncing both easy and very robust, as it's meant to be used to power all storage and sync of complex apps.

Any changes made while offline are persisted between sessions to be retried whenever connected. To do this, the sync system subscribes to changes on an observable, then on change goes through a multi-step flow to ensure that changes are persisted and synced.

  1. Save the pending changes to local persistence.
  2. Save the changes to local persistence.
  3. Save the changes to remote persistence.
  4. On remote save, set any needed changes (like updated_at) back into the observable and local persistence.
  5. Clear the pending changes in local persistence.

Setting up the Project

To set up a new React Native project you can use the create-expo-app utility. You can create a blank app or choose from different examples.

For this tutorial, go ahead and create a new blank Expo app:

npx create-expo-app@latest --template blank

Installing Dependencies

The main dependencies you need are Legend State and supabase-js. Additionally, to make things work for React Native, you will need React Native Async Storage and react-native-get-random-values (to generate uuids).

Install the required dependencies via expo install:

npx expo install @legendapp/state@beta @supabase/supabase-js react-native-get-random-values @react-native-async-storage/async-storage

Configuring Supabase

If you don't have a Supabase project already, head over to database.new and create a new project.

Next, create a .env.local file in the root of your project and add the following env vars. You can find these in your Supabase dashboard.


Next, set up a utils file to hold all the logic for interacting with Supabase, we'll call it utils/SupaLegend.ts.


import { createClient } from '@supabase/supabase-js'
const supabase = createClient(

Configuring Legend-State

Legend-State is very versatile and allows you to choose different persistence and storage strategies. For this example, we'll use React Native Async Storage for local persistence across platforms and supabase for remote persistence.

Extend your utils/SupaLegend.ts file with the following configuration:


import { createClient } from '@supabase/supabase-js'
import { observable } from '@legendapp/state'
import { syncedSupabase } from '@legendapp/state/sync-plugins/supabase'
import { configureSynced } from '@legendapp/state/sync'
import { observablePersistAsyncStorage } from '@legendapp/state/persist-plugins/async-storage'
import AsyncStorage from '@react-native-async-storage/async-storage'
const supabase = createClient(
// Create a configured sync function
const customSynced = configureSynced(syncedSupabase, {
// Use React Native Async Storage
persist: {
plugin: observablePersistAsyncStorage({
changesSince: 'last-sync',
fieldCreatedAt: 'created_at',
fieldUpdatedAt: 'updated_at',
// Optionally enable soft deletes
fieldDeleted: 'deleted',
export const todos$ = observable(
collection: 'todos',
select: (from) => from.select('id,counter,text,done,created_at,updated_at,deleted'),
actions: ['read', 'create', 'update', 'delete'],
realtime: true,
// Persist data and pending changes locally
persist: {
name: 'todos',
retrySync: true, // Persist pending changes and retry
retry: {
infinite: true, // Retry changes with exponential backoff

Setting up the Database Schema

If you haven't alread, install the Supabase CLI and run supabase init to initialize your project.

Next, create the initial database migration to set up the todos table:

supabase migrations new init

This will create a new SQL migration file in the supabase/migrations directory. Open it and add the following SQL code:

create table todos (
id uuid default gen_random_uuid() primary key,
counter bigint generated by default as identity,
text text,
done boolean default false,
created_at timestamptz default now(),
updated_at timestamptz default now(),
deleted boolean default false -- needed for soft deletes
-- Enable realtime
publication supabase_realtime add table todos;
-- Legend-State helper to facilitate "Sync only diffs" (changesSince: 'last-sync') mode
RETURNS trigger AS
NEW.created_at := now();
NEW.updated_at := now();
NEW.created_at = OLD.created_at;
NEW.updated_at = now();
$$ language plpgsql;
CREATE TRIGGER handle_times
EXECUTE PROCEDURE handle_times();

The created_at, updated_at, and deleted columns are used by Legend-State to track changes and sync efficiently. The handle_times function is used to automatically set the created_at and updated_at columns when a new row is inserted or an existing row is updated. This allows to efficiently sync only the changes since the last sync.

Next, run supabase link to link your local project to your Supabase project and run supabase db push to apply the init migration to your Supabase database.

Generating TypeScript Types

Legend-State integrates with supabase-js to provide end-to-end type safety. This means you can use the existing Supabase CLI workflow to generate TypeScript types for your Supabase tables.

supabase start
supabase gen types --lang=typescript --local > utils/database.types.ts

Next, in your utils/SupaLegend.ts file, import the generated types inject them into the Supabase client.


import { createClient } from '@supabase/supabase-js'
import { Database } from './database.types'
// [...]
const supabase = createClient<Database>(
// [...]

From here, Legend-State will automatically infer the types for your Supabase tables and make them available within the observable.

Fetching Data and subscribing to realtime updates

Above, you've configured the todos$ observable. You can now import this in your tsx files to fetch and automatically sync changes.


import { observer } from '@legendapp/state/react'
import { todos$ as _todos$ } from './utils/SupaLegend'
const Todos = observer(({ todos$ }: { todos$: typeof _todos$ }) => {
// Get the todos from the state and subscribe to updates
const todos = todos$.get()
const renderItem = ({ item: todo }: { item: Tables<'todos'> }) => <Todo todo={todo} />
if (todos)
return <FlatList data={Object.values(todos)} renderItem={renderItem} style={styles.todos} />
return <></>

observer is the suggested way of consuming observables for the best performance and safety.

It turns the entire component into an observing context - it automatically tracks observables for changes when get() is called, even from within hooks or helper functions.

This means, as long as realtime is enabled on the respective table, the component will automatically update when changes are made to the data!

Also, thanks to the persist and retry settings above, Legend-State will automatically retry to sync changes if the connection is lost.

Inserting, and updating data

To add a new todo from the application, you will need to generate a uuid locally to insert it into our todos observable. You can use the uuid package to generate a uuid. For this to work in React Native you will also need the react-native-get-random-values polyfill.

In your SupaLegend.ts file add the following:


// [...]
import 'react-native-get-random-values'
import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'
// [...]
// Provide a function to generate ids locally
const generateId = () => uuidv4()
export function addTodo(text: string) {
const id = generateId()
// Add keyed by id to the todos$ observable to trigger a create in Supabase
export function toggleDone(id: string) {
todos$[id].done.set((prev) => !prev)

Now, in your App.tsx file, you can import the addTodo and toggleDone methods and call them when the user submits a new todo or checks off one:


import { useState } from 'react'
import { FlatList, StyleSheet, Text, TextInput, TouchableOpacity } from 'react-native'
// [...]
import { observer } from '@legendapp/state/react'
import { addTodo, todos$ as _todos$, toggleDone } from './utils/SupaLegend'
// [...]
// Emojis to decorate each todo.
const NOT_DONE_ICON = String.fromCodePoint(0x1f7e0)
const DONE_ICON = String.fromCodePoint(0x2705)
// The text input component to add a new todo.
const NewTodo = () => {
const [text, setText] = useState('')
const handleSubmitEditing = ({ nativeEvent: { text } }) => {
return (
onChangeText={(text) => setText(text)}
placeholder="What do you want to do today?"
// A single todo component, either 'not done' or 'done': press to toggle.
const Todo = ({ todo }: { todo: Tables<'todos'> }) => {
const handlePress = () => {
return (
style={[styles.todo, todo.done ? styles.done : null]}
<Text style={styles.todoText}>
{todo.done ? DONE_ICON : NOT_DONE_ICON} {todo.text}

Up next: Adding Auth

Since Legend-State utilizes supabase-js under the hood, you can use Supabase Auth and row level security to restrict access to the data.

For a tutorial on how to add user management to your Expo React Native application, refer to this guide.


Legend-State and Supabase are a powerful combination for building local-first applications. Legend-State pairs nicely with supabase-js, Supabase Auth and Supabase Realtime, allowing you to tap into the full power of the Supabase Stack while building fast and delightful applications that work across web and mobile platforms.

Want to learn more about Legend-State? Refer to their docs and make sure to follow Jay Meistrich on Twitter!

More Supabase Resources

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