Build a User Management App with Expo React Native
This tutorial demonstrates how to build a basic user management app. The app authenticates and identifies the user, stores their profile information in the database, and allows the user to log in, update their profile details, and upload a profile photo. The app uses:
If you get stuck while working through this guide, refer to the full example on GitHub .
Before we start building we're going to set up our Database and API. This is as simple as starting a new Project in Supabase and then creating a "schema" inside the database.
Create a new project in the Supabase Dashboard.
Enter your project details.
Wait for the new database to launch.
Now we are going to set up the database schema. We can use the "User Management Starter" quickstart in the SQL Editor, or you can just copy/paste the SQL from below and run it yourself.
Dashboard SQL
Go to the SQL Editor page in the Dashboard.
Click User Management Starter .
Click Run .
You can easily pull the database schema down to your local project by running the db pull
command. Read the local development docs for detailed instructions.
_10 supabase link --project-ref <project-id>
_10 # You can get <project-id> from your project's dashboard URL:<project-id>
Now that you've created some database tables, you are ready to insert data using the auto-generated API.
We just need to get the Project URL and anon
key from the API settings.
Go to the API Settings page in the Dashboard.
Find your Project URL
, anon
, and service_role
keys on this page.
Let's start building the React Native app from scratch.
We can use expo
to initialize
an app called expo-user-management
_10 npx create-expo-app -t expo-template-blank-typescript expo-user-management
_10 cd expo-user-management
Then let's install the additional dependencies: supabase-js
_10 npx expo install @supabase/supabase-js @react-native-async-storage/async-storage @rneui/themed
Now let's create a helper file to initialize the Supabase client.
We need the API URL and the anon
key that you copied earlier .
These variables are safe to expose in your Expo app since Supabase has
Row Level Security enabled on your Database.
AsyncStorage SecureStore
_14 import AsyncStorage from '@react-native-async-storage/async-storage'
_14 import { createClient } from '@supabase/supabase-js'
_14 const supabaseUrl = YOUR_REACT_NATIVE_SUPABASE_URL
_14 export const supabase = createClient(supabaseUrl, supabaseAnonKey, {
_14 storage: AsyncStorage,
_14 autoRefreshToken: true,
_14 persistSession: true,
_14 detectSessionInUrl: false,
Let's set up a React Native component to manage logins and sign ups.
Users would be able to sign in with their email and password.
_95 import React, { useState } from 'react'
_95 import { Alert, StyleSheet, View, AppState } from 'react-native'
_95 import { supabase } from '../lib/supabase'
_95 import { Button, Input } from '@rneui/themed'
_95 // Tells Supabase Auth to continuously refresh the session automatically if
_95 // the app is in the foreground. When this is added, you will continue to receive
_95 // `onAuthStateChange` events with the `TOKEN_REFRESHED` or `SIGNED_OUT` event
_95 // if the user's session is terminated. This should only be registered once.
_95 AppState.addEventListener('change', (state) => {
_95 if (state === 'active') {
_95 supabase.auth.startAutoRefresh()
_95 supabase.auth.stopAutoRefresh()
_95 export default function Auth() {
_95 const [email, setEmail] = useState('')
_95 const [password, setPassword] = useState('')
_95 const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false)
_95 async function signInWithEmail() {
_95 const { error } = await supabase.auth.signInWithPassword({
_95 if (error) Alert.alert(error.message)
_95 async function signUpWithEmail() {
_95 } = await supabase.auth.signUp({
_95 if (error) Alert.alert(error.message)
_95 if (!session) Alert.alert('Please check your inbox for email verification!')
_95 <View style={styles.container}>
_95 <View style={[styles.verticallySpaced, styles.mt20]}>
_95 leftIcon={{ type: 'font-awesome', name: 'envelope' }}
_95 onChangeText={(text) => setEmail(text)}
_95 autoCapitalize={'none'}
_95 <View style={styles.verticallySpaced}>
_95 leftIcon={{ type: 'font-awesome', name: 'lock' }}
_95 onChangeText={(text) => setPassword(text)}
_95 secureTextEntry={true}
_95 placeholder="Password"
_95 autoCapitalize={'none'}
_95 <View style={[styles.verticallySpaced, styles.mt20]}>
_95 <Button title="Sign in" disabled={loading} onPress={() => signInWithEmail()} />
_95 <View style={styles.verticallySpaced}>
_95 <Button title="Sign up" disabled={loading} onPress={() => signUpWithEmail()} />
_95 const styles = StyleSheet.create({
_95 alignSelf: 'stretch',
By default Supabase Auth requires email verification before a session is created for the users. To support email verification you need to implement deep link handling !
While testing, you can disable email confirmation in your project's email auth provider settings .
Account page#
After a user is signed in we can allow them to edit their profile details and manage their account.
Let's create a new component for that called Account.tsx
_120 import { useState, useEffect } from 'react'
_120 import { supabase } from '../lib/supabase'
_120 import { StyleSheet, View, Alert } from 'react-native'
_120 import { Button, Input } from '@rneui/themed'
_120 import { Session } from '@supabase/supabase-js'
_120 export default function Account({ session }: { session: Session }) {
_120 const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true)
_120 const [username, setUsername] = useState('')
_120 const [website, setWebsite] = useState('')
_120 const [avatarUrl, setAvatarUrl] = useState('')
_120 if (session) getProfile()
_120 async function getProfile() {
_120 if (!session?.user) throw new Error('No user on the session!')
_120 const { data, error, status } = await supabase
_120 .select(`username, website, avatar_url`)
_120 .eq('id', session?
_120 if (error && status !== 406) {
_120 setUsername(data.username)
_120 setWebsite(
_120 setAvatarUrl(data.avatar_url)
_120 if (error instanceof Error) {
_120 Alert.alert(error.message)
_120 async function updateProfile({
_120 if (!session?.user) throw new Error('No user on the session!')
_120 id: session?,
_120 updated_at: new Date(),
_120 const { error } = await supabase.from('profiles').upsert(updates)
_120 if (error instanceof Error) {
_120 Alert.alert(error.message)
_120 <View style={styles.container}>
_120 <View style={[styles.verticallySpaced, styles.mt20]}>
_120 <Input label="Email" value={session?.user?.email} disabled />
_120 <View style={styles.verticallySpaced}>
_120 <Input label="Username" value={username || ''} onChangeText={(text) => setUsername(text)} />
_120 <View style={styles.verticallySpaced}>
_120 <Input label="Website" value={website || ''} onChangeText={(text) => setWebsite(text)} />
_120 <View style={[styles.verticallySpaced, styles.mt20]}>
_120 title={loading ? 'Loading ...' : 'Update'}
_120 onPress={() => updateProfile({ username, website, avatar_url: avatarUrl })}
_120 <View style={styles.verticallySpaced}>
_120 <Button title="Sign Out" onPress={() => supabase.auth.signOut()} />
_120 const styles = StyleSheet.create({
_120 alignSelf: 'stretch',
Now that we have all the components in place, let's update App.tsx
_26 import { useState, useEffect } from 'react'
_26 import { supabase } from './lib/supabase'
_26 import Auth from './components/Auth'
_26 import Account from './components/Account'
_26 import { View } from 'react-native'
_26 import { Session } from '@supabase/supabase-js'
_26 export default function App() {
_26 const [session, setSession] = useState<Session | null>(null)
_26 supabase.auth.getSession().then(({ data: { session } }) => {
_26 supabase.auth.onAuthStateChange((_event, session) => {
_26 {session && session.user ? <Account key={} session={session} /> : <Auth />}
Once that's done, run this in a terminal window:
And then press the appropriate key for the environment you want to test the app in and you should see the completed app.
Every Supabase project is configured with Storage for managing large files like
photos and videos.
You will need an image picker that works on the environment you will build the project for, we will use expo-image-picker
in this example.
_10 npx expo install expo-image-picker
Let's create an avatar for the user so that they can upload a profile photo.
We can start by creating a new component:
_130 import { useState, useEffect } from 'react'
_130 import { supabase } from '../lib/supabase'
_130 import { StyleSheet, View, Alert, Image, Button } from 'react-native'
_130 import * as ImagePicker from 'expo-image-picker'
_130 onUpload: (filePath: string) => void
_130 export default function Avatar({ url, size = 150, onUpload }: Props) {
_130 const [uploading, setUploading] = useState(false)
_130 const [avatarUrl, setAvatarUrl] = useState<string | null>(null)
_130 const avatarSize = { height: size, width: size }
_130 if (url) downloadImage(url)
_130 async function downloadImage(path: string) {
_130 const { data, error } = await'avatars').download(path)
_130 const fr = new FileReader()
_130 fr.readAsDataURL(data)
_130 setAvatarUrl(fr.result as string)
_130 if (error instanceof Error) {
_130 console.log('Error downloading image: ', error.message)
_130 async function uploadAvatar() {
_130 const result = await ImagePicker.launchImageLibraryAsync({
_130 mediaTypes: ImagePicker.MediaTypeOptions.Images, // Restrict to only images
_130 allowsMultipleSelection: false, // Can only select one image
_130 allowsEditing: true, // Allows the user to crop / rotate their photo before uploading it
_130 exif: false, // We don't want nor need that data.
_130 if (result.canceled || !result.assets || result.assets.length === 0) {
_130 console.log('User cancelled image picker.')
_130 const image = result.assets[0]
_130 console.log('Got image', image)
_130 throw new Error('No image uri!') // Realistically, this should never happen, but just in case...
_130 const arraybuffer = await fetch(image.uri).then((res) => res.arrayBuffer())
_130 const fileExt = image.uri?.split('.').pop()?.toLowerCase() ?? 'jpeg'
_130 const path = `${}.${fileExt}`
_130 const { data, error: uploadError } = await
_130 .upload(path, arraybuffer, {
_130 contentType: image.mimeType ?? 'image/jpeg',
_130 if (error instanceof Error) {
_130 Alert.alert(error.message)
_130 source={{ uri: avatarUrl }}
_130 accessibilityLabel="Avatar"
_130 style={[avatarSize, styles.avatar, styles.image]}
_130 <View style={[avatarSize, styles.avatar, styles.noImage]} />
_130 title={uploading ? 'Uploading ...' : 'Upload'}
_130 onPress={uploadAvatar}
_130 disabled={uploading}
_130 const styles = StyleSheet.create({
_130 backgroundColor: '#333',
_130 borderStyle: 'solid',
_130 borderColor: 'rgb(200, 200, 200)',
And then we can add the widget to the Account page:
_21 // Import the new component
_21 import Avatar from './Avatar'
_21 {/* Add to the body */}
_21 onUpload={(url: string) => {
_21 updateProfile({ username, website, avatar_url: url })
Now you will need to run the prebuild command to get the application working on your chosen platform.
At this stage you have a fully functional application!