
Password security

Help your users to protect their password security

A password is more secure if it is harder to guess or brute-force. In theory, a password is harder to guess if it is longer. It is also harder to guess if it uses a larger set of characters (for example, digits, lowercase and uppercase letters, and symbols).

This table shows the minimum number of guesses that need to be tried to access a user's account:

Required charactersLengthGuesses
Digits only8~ 227
Digits and letters8~ 241
Digits, lower and uppercase letters8~ 248
Digits, lower and uppercase letters, symbols8~ 252

In reality though, passwords are not always generated at random. They often contain variations of names, words, dates, and common phrases. Malicious actors can use these properties to guess a password in fewer attempts.

There are hundreds of millions (and growing!) known passwords out there. Malicious actors can use these lists of leaked passwords to automate login attempts (known as credential stuffing) and steal or access sensitive user data.

Password strength and leaked password protection

To help protect your users, Supabase Auth allows you fine-grained control over the strength of the passwords used on your project. You can configure these in your project's Auth settings:

  • Set a large minimum password length. Anything less than 8 characters is not recommended.
  • Set the required characters that must appear at least once in a user's password. Use the strongest option of requiring digits, lowercase and uppercase letters, and symbols.
  • Prevent the use of leaked passwords. Supabase Auth uses the open-source Pwned Passwords API to reject passwords that have been leaked and are known by malicious actors.

Additional recommendations

In addition to choosing suitable password strength settings and preventing the use of leaked passwords, consider asking your users to:

  • Use a password manager to store and generate passwords.
  • Avoid password reuse across websites and apps.
  • Avoid using personal information in passwords.
  • Use Multi-Factor Authentication.

Frequently asked questions

How are passwords stored?

Supabase Auth uses bcrypt, a strong password hashing function, to store hashes of users' passwords. Only hashed passwords are stored. You cannot impersonate a user with the password hash. Each hash is accompanied by a randomly generated salt parameter for extra security.

The hash is stored in the encrypted_password column of the auth.users table. The column's name is a misnomer (cryptographic hashing is not encryption), but is kept for backward compatibility.

How will strengthened password requirements affect current users?

Existing users can still sign in with their current password even if it doesn't meet the new, strengthened password requirements. However, if their password falls short of these updated standards, they will encounter a WeakPasswordError during the signInWithPassword process, explaining why it's considered weak. This change is also applicable to new users and existing users changing their passwords, ensuring everyone adheres to the enhanced security standards.