
Error Codes

Learn about the Auth error codes and how to resolve them

Auth error codes

Supabase Auth can return various errors when using its API. This guide explains how to handle these errors effectively across different programming languages.

Error types

Supabase Auth errors are generally categorized into two main types:

  • API Errors: Originate from the Supabase Auth API.
  • Client Errors: Originate from the client library's state.

Client errors differ by language so do refer to the appropriate section below:

All errors originating from the supabase.auth namespace of the client library will be wrapped by the AuthError class.

Error objects are split in a few classes:

  • AuthApiError -- errors which originate from the Supabase Auth API.
    • Use isAuthApiError instead of instanceof checks to see if an error you caught is of this type.
  • CustomAuthError -- errors which generally originate from state in the client library.
    • Use the name property on the error to identify the class of error received.

Errors originating from the server API classed as AuthApiError always have a code property that can be used to identify the error returned by the server. The status property is also present, encoding the HTTP status code received in the response.

HTTP status codes

Below are the most common HTTP status codes you might encounter, along with their meanings in the context of Supabase Auth:

403 Forbidden

Sent out in rare situations where a certain Auth feature is not available for the user, and you as the developer are not checking a precondition whether that API is available for the user.

422 Unprocessable Entity

Sent out when the API request is accepted, but cannot be processed because the user or Auth server is in a state where it cannot satisfy the request.

429 Too Many Requests

Sent out when rate-limits are breached for an API. You should handle this status code often, especially in functions that authenticate a user.

500 Internal Server Error

Indicate that the Auth server's service is degraded. Most often it points to issues in your database setup such as a misbehaving trigger on a schema, function, view or other database object.

501 Not Implemented

Sent out when a feature is not enabled on the Auth server, and you are trying to use an API which requires it.

Auth error codes table

The following table provides a comprehensive list of error codes you may encounter when working with Supabase Auth. Each error code is associated with a specific issue and includes a description to help you understand and resolve the problem efficiently.

To supplement HTTP status codes, Supabase Auth returns a string error code which gives you more insight into what went wrong. These codes are stable and can be used to present an internationalized message to your users.

anonymous_provider_disabledAnonymous sign-ins are disabled.
bad_code_verifierReturned from the PKCE flow where the provided code verifier does not match the expected one. Indicates a bug in the implementation of the client library.
bad_jsonUsually used when the HTTP body of the request is not valid JSON.
bad_jwtJWT sent in the Authorization header is not valid.
bad_oauth_callbackOAuth callback from provider to Auth does not have all the required attributes (state). Indicates an issue with the OAuth provider or client library implementation.
bad_oauth_stateOAuth state (data echoed back by the OAuth provider to Supabase Auth) is not in the correct format. Indicates an issue with the OAuth provider integration.
captcha_failedCAPTCHA challenge could not be verified with the CAPTCHA provider. Check your CAPTCHA integration.
conflictGeneral database conflict, such as concurrent requests on resources that should not be modified concurrently. Can often occur when you have too many session refresh requests firing off at the same time for a user. Check your app for concurrency issues, and if detected, back off exponentially.
email_address_invalidExample and test domains are currently not supported. Use a different email address.
email_address_not_authorizedEmail sending is not allowed for this address as your project is using the default SMTP service. Emails can only be sent to members in your Supabase organization. If you want to send emails to others, set up a custom SMTP provider.
email_conflict_identity_not_deletableUnlinking this identity causes the user's account to change to an email address which is already used by another user account. Indicates an issue where the user has two different accounts using different primary email addresses. You may need to migrate user data to one of their accounts in this case.
email_existsEmail address already exists in the system.
email_not_confirmedSigning in is not allowed for this user as the email address is not confirmed.
email_provider_disabledSignups are disabled for email and password.
flow_state_expiredPKCE flow state to which the API request relates has expired. Ask the user to sign in again.
flow_state_not_foundPKCE flow state to which the API request relates no longer exists. Flow states expire after a while and are progressively cleaned up, which can cause this error. Retried requests can cause this error, as the previous request likely destroyed the flow state. Ask the user to sign in again.
hook_payload_invalid_content_typePayload from Auth does not have a valid Content-Type header.
hook_payload_over_size_limitPayload from Auth exceeds maximum size limit.
hook_timeoutUnable to reach hook within maximum time allocated.
hook_timeout_after_retryUnable to reach hook after maximum number of retries.
identity_already_existsThe identity to which the API relates is already linked to a user.
identity_not_foundIdentity to which the API call relates does not exist, such as when an identity is unlinked or deleted.
insufficient_aalTo call this API, the user must have a higher Authenticator Assurance Level. To resolve, ask the user to solve an MFA challenge.
invite_not_foundInvite is expired or already used.
invalid_credentialsLogin credentials or grant type not recognized.
manual_linking_disabledCalling the supabase.auth.linkUser() and related APIs is not enabled on the Auth server.
mfa_challenge_expiredResponding to an MFA challenge should happen within a fixed time period. Request a new challenge when encountering this error.
mfa_factor_name_conflictMFA factors for a single user should not have the same friendly name.
mfa_factor_not_foundMFA factor no longer exists.
mfa_ip_address_mismatchThe enrollment process for MFA factors must begin and end with the same IP address.
mfa_phone_enroll_not_enabledEnrollment of MFA Phone factors is disabled.
mfa_phone_verify_not_enabledLogin via Phone factors and verification of new Phone factors is disabled.
mfa_totp_enroll_not_enabledEnrollment of MFA TOTP factors is disabled.
mfa_totp_verify_not_enabledLogin via TOTP factors and verification of new TOTP factors is disabled.
mfa_verification_failedMFA challenge could not be verified -- wrong TOTP code.
mfa_verification_rejectedFurther MFA verification is rejected. Only returned if the MFA verification attempt hook returns a reject decision.
mfa_verified_factor_existsVerified phone factor already exists for a user. Unenroll existing verified phone factor to continue.
mfa_web_authn_enroll_not_enabledEnrollment of MFA Web Authn factors is disabled.
mfa_web_authn_verify_not_enabledLogin via WebAuthn factors and verification of new WebAuthn factors is disabled.
no_authorizationThis HTTP request requires an Authorization header, which is not provided.
not_adminUser accessing the API is not admin, i.e. the JWT does not contain a role claim that identifies them as an admin of the Auth server.
oauth_provider_not_supportedUsing an OAuth provider which is disabled on the Auth server.
otp_disabledSign in with OTPs (magic link, email OTP) is disabled. Check your sever's configuration.
otp_expiredOTP code for this sign-in has expired. Ask the user to sign in again.
over_email_send_rate_limitToo many emails have been sent to this email address. Ask the user to wait a while before trying again.
over_request_rate_limitToo many requests have been sent by this client (IP address). Ask the user to try again in a few minutes. Sometimes can indicate a bug in your application that mistakenly sends out too many requests (such as a badly written useEffect React hook).
over_sms_send_rate_limitToo many SMS messages have been sent to this phone number. Ask the user to wait a while before trying again.
phone_existsPhone number already exists in the system.
phone_not_confirmedSigning in is not allowed for this user as the phone number is not confirmed.
phone_provider_disabledSignups are disabled for phone and password.
provider_disabledOAuth provider is disabled for use. Check your server's configuration.
provider_email_needs_verificationNot all OAuth providers verify their user's email address. Supabase Auth requires emails to be verified, so this error is sent out when a verification email is sent after completing the OAuth flow.
reauthentication_neededA user needs to reauthenticate to change their password. Ask the user to reauthenticate by calling the supabase.auth.reauthenticate() API.
reauthentication_not_validVerifying a reauthentication failed, the code is incorrect. Ask the user to enter a new code.
refresh_token_not_foundSession containing the refresh token not found.
refresh_token_already_usedRefresh token has been revoked and falls outside the refresh token reuse interval. See the documentation on sessions for further information.
request_timeoutProcessing the request took too long. Retry the request.
same_passwordA user that is updating their password must use a different password than the one currently used.
saml_assertion_no_emailSAML assertion (user information) was received after sign in, but no email address was found in it, which is required. Check the provider's attribute mapping and/or configuration.
saml_assertion_no_user_idSAML assertion (user information) was received after sign in, but a user ID (called NameID) was not found in it, which is required. Check the SAML identity provider's configuration.
saml_entity_id_mismatch(Admin API.) Updating the SAML metadata for a SAML identity provider is not possible, as the entity ID in the update does not match the entity ID in the database. This is equivalent to creating a new identity provider, and you should do that instead.
saml_idp_already_exists(Admin API.) Adding a SAML identity provider that is already added.
saml_idp_not_foundSAML identity provider not found. Most often returned after IdP-initiated sign-in with an unregistered SAML identity provider in Supabase Auth.
saml_metadata_fetch_failed(Admin API.) Adding or updating a SAML provider failed as its metadata could not be fetched from the provided URL.
saml_provider_disabledUsing Enterprise SSO with SAML 2.0 is not enabled on the Auth server.
saml_relay_state_expiredSAML relay state is an object that tracks the progress of a supabase.auth.signInWithSSO() request. The SAML identity provider should respond after a fixed amount of time, after which this error is shown. Ask the user to sign in again.
saml_relay_state_not_foundSAML relay states are progressively cleaned up after they expire, which can cause this error. Ask the user to sign in again.
session_expiredSession to which the API request relates has expired. This can occur if an inactivity timeout is configured, or the session entry has exceeded the configured timebox value. See the documentation on sessions for more information.
session_not_foundSession to which the API request relates no longer exists. This can occur if the user has signed out, or the session entry in the database was deleted in some other way.
signup_disabledSign ups (new account creation) are disabled on the server.
single_identity_not_deletableEvery user must have at least one identity attached to it, so deleting (unlinking) an identity is not allowed if it's the only one for the user.
sms_send_failedSending an SMS message failed. Check your SMS provider configuration.
sso_domain_already_exists(Admin API.) Only one SSO domain can be registered per SSO identity provider.
sso_provider_not_foundSSO provider not found. Check the arguments in supabase.auth.signInWithSSO().
too_many_enrolled_mfa_factorsA user can only have a fixed number of enrolled MFA factors.
unexpected_audience(Deprecated feature not available via Supabase client libraries.) The request's X-JWT-AUD claim does not match the JWT's audience.
unexpected_failureAuth service is degraded or a bug is present, without a specific reason.
user_already_existsUser with this information (email address, phone number) cannot be created again as it already exists.
user_bannedUser to which the API request relates has a banned_until property which is still active. No further API requests should be attempted until this field is cleared.
user_not_foundUser to which the API request relates no longer exists.
user_sso_managedWhen a user comes from SSO, certain fields of the user cannot be updated (like email).
validation_failedProvided parameters are not in the expected format.
weak_passwordUser is signing up or changing their password without meeting the password strength criteria. Use the AuthWeakPasswordError class to access more information about what they need to do to make the password pass.

Best practices for error handling

  • Always use error.code and to identify errors, not string matching on error messages.
  • Avoid relying solely on HTTP status codes, as they may change unexpectedly.