
Phone Auth with Textlocal

How to set up and use Mobile OTP with Textlocal and Supabase.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following:

  • A Textlocal account: Sign up for TextLocal to start sending SMS messages.
  • A Supabase project: Necessary for SMS authentication integration. Create your project in the Supabase Dashboard.
  • A mobile phone: To receive SMS messages and test your setup.

Setting up Textlocal as your SMS provider

To integrate Textlocal with Supabase:

  1. Get a Textlocal API key
  2. Customize your sender name
  3. Configure your Supabase project

Get a Textlocal API key

  1. Log into your Textlocal account and go to Settings > API Keys.
  2. Generate a new API Key. Save your new API key in a safe location.

Customize your sender name (Optional)

Textlocal defaults to TXTLCL as the sender name for all messages. You can customize this to better reflect your brand:

  1. In your Textlocal dashboard, go to Settings > All Settings > Sender Names.
  2. Change your sender name.

Configure Supabase

To set up Textlocal as your SMS provider in Supabase, follow these steps:

  1. In your Supabase Dashboard, go to the Auth Providers section.
  2. From the list of available authentication providers, select Phone.
  3. Toggle Enable Phone Provider.
  4. Under SMS Provider, select Textlocal.
  5. Enter your Textlocal API Key and Sender Name.
  6. Customize your SMS Message (optional).

Next steps

To implement Phone Login, see the docs on using Phone Login.
