Supabase Cron

Schedule and Recurring Jobs in Postgres

Supabase Cron is a Postgres Module that uses the pg_cron database extension to manage recurring Jobs. Manage your Cron Jobs using any Postgres tooling.

Postgres Native

Schedule and run Jobs directly within your database.

Cron Syntax and Natural Language

Use familiar cron syntax or natural language to define your job run interval.

Sub-Minute Scheduling

Schedule recurring Jobs that run every 1-59 seconds.

Real-Time Monitoring

Track and debug scheduled Jobs with Supabase's observability tools.

Extensible Toolkit

Works with Database Functions, Edge Functions, and HTTP Webhooks.

100% Open Source

Built on trusted, community-driven technology.


SQL-Based Approach

Create and manage Jobs using simple SQL commands for ease of use. Track changes to your recurring Jobs using Postgres migrations stored in source control.

Start scheduling about scheduling

Intuitive Scheduling Interface

Supabase Cron provides a clean and simple interface, including cron syntax and natural language options, to create Jobs with ease.

Start scheduling about scheduling
Cron Logs

Job Observability

Track and investigate recurring Jobs and their historical runs in the Cron UI and Cron logs.


Designed to Just Work

Supabase Cron is integrated with the entire Supabase suite of tools. Create Jobs to call Database Functions, Supabase Edge Functions, and even remote webhooks.

Build in a weekend, scale to millions