PostgreSQL manages permissions through roles. To create these roles, a database user needs the CREATEROLE
which not only allows role creation but also modification of any role (except superusers).
At Supabase, we use dedicated roles for each of our customers' backend services. For instance, our Storage API
uses the supabase_storage_admin
role for connecting to the database. Giving the CREATEROLE
privilege to our customers would allow them to
drop this role and take their own Storage API down.
And yet, we want to give our customers the ability to manage roles the same as they do it in on-premises databases,
with the usual CREATE ROLE
So, how do we grant them the CREATEROLE
privilege and, at the same time, protect our own roles? In this blog post,
we explain how we managed to do this by using PostgreSQL Hooks in our SupaUtils extension.
Reserved Roles
PostgreSQL has a list of predefined roles — all prefixed with "pg_" — that cannot be dropped or altered. Attempting to do so will throw an error mentioning that the role is "reserved".
_10alter role pg_monitor createdb;_10ERROR: role name "pg_monitor" is reserved_10DETAIL: Cannot alter reserved roles.
This mechanism is an internal implementation detail. Unfortunately Postgres doesn't allow us to define our own reserved roles.
RDS reserved roles
Amazon RDS has a similar defense mechanism, all of its predefined roles — prefixed with "rds" — cannot be modified.
_10alter role rdsadmin rename to another;_10ERROR: The "rdsadmin" role cannot be renamed._10DETAIL: The "rdsadmin" role cannot be renamed because either the source_10 or the target name refer to an Amazon RDS reserved role name._10LOCATION: handle_rename, rdsutils.c:1534
Again, the error mentions that the role is "reserved".
Also note the rdsutils.c
mention. That's not a stock Postgres source file. This means that the logic comes
from an RDS extension. We can confirm this is the case by showing the preloaded libraries.
_10show shared_preload_libraries;_10_10 shared_preload_libraries_10-----------------------------_10 rdsutils,pg_stat_statements
can be seen there. Naturally this lead us into thinking we can achieve the same logic with an extension
of our own, and thus the SupaUtils idea was born.
Extending PostgreSQL with Hooks
PostgreSQL hooks allow us to extend internal functionality. Hooks can modify behavior at different places, including when running SQL statements.
For example, if we wanted to enforce our own password restrictions whenever a user changes passwords, we could
use the check_password_hook
to verify the password. We would write out our own Custom Logic, and raise an error
if the password fails the password requirements.
For SupaUtils
, we're particularly interested in the ProcessUtility_hook
, which allows us to hook into utility statements: every statement except select
, insert
, delete
or update
. They include alter role
and drop role
, which are the statements we want to hook on.
Hooks are global function pointers
To use hooks, we can override functions pointers that are global. On the Postgres codebase, the ProcessUtility_hook
is basically used1 like this:
_16// src/backend/tcop/utility.c_16_16// ProcessUtility_hook is NULL by default_16ProcessUtility_hook_type ProcessUtility_hook = NULL;_16_16// This function is used for processing all the utility statements_16void_16ProcessUtility(PARAMS_OMITTED_FOR_BREVITY)_16{_16// call the ProcessUtility_hook if it's not NULL_16if (ProcessUtility_hook)_16 (*ProcessUtility_hook)(PARAMS_OMITTED_FOR_BREVITY);_16// otherwise call the standard function used to process utility statements_16else_16 standard_ProcessUtility(PARAMS_OMITTED_FOR_BREVITY);_16}
As you can see, ProcessUtility_hook
by default, so our extension should set it for the hook to run. Also, the standard_ProcessUtility
function is the one that actually does the job of creating or modifying the roles (among other things) so our hook should also call it.
Loading and running the hook
Each extension set in shared_preload_libraries
will get its _PG_init
function called. This function will allow us to set our hook onto ProcessUtility_hook
Since hooks are global function pointers, it might be the case that another extension modifies the hook pointer (on its own _PG_init
) before us and sets its own hook. So we need to ensure we also run this previously-set hook, before or after our own hook runs.
It's typically2 done like this:
_26// variable to store the previous hook_26static ProcessUtility_hook_type prev_hook = NULL;_26_26// initialize our extension_26void_26_PG_init(void)_26{_26 // ProcessUtility_hook has the global function pointer._26 // Store its value in case another extension already set its own hook._26 prev_hook = ProcessUtility_hook;_26 // Now override the ProcessUtility_hook with our hook_26 ProcessUtility_hook = our_hook;_26}_26_26static void_26our_hook(PARAMS_OMITTED_FOR_BREVITY)_26{_26 // our hook logic goes here_26_26 // If there was a previous hook, run it after our hook_26 if (prev_hook)_26 prev_hook(PARAMS_OMITTED_FOR_BREVITY);_26 // If there's no previous hook, call the standard function_26 else_26 standard_ProcessUtility(PARAMS_OMITTED_FOR_BREVITY);_26}
Setting up the SupaUtils extension
We can use the concepts above to build our extension.
First we'll need a Makefile in order to compile the extension code and include it into our PostgreSQL installation.
_13# Makefile_13_13# Our shared library_13MODULE_big = supautils_13_13# Our object files to build for the library_13OBJS = src/supautils.o_13_13# Tell pg_config to pass us the PostgreSQL extensions makefile(PGXS)_13# and include it into our own Makefile through the standard "include" directive._13PG_CONFIG = pg_config_13PGXS := $(shell $(PG_CONFIG) --pgxs)_13include $(PGXS)
For the source file, we'll start with variable definitions and functions declarations.
_30// src/supautils.c_30_30// include common declarations_30#include "postgres.h"_30_30// required macro for extension libraries to work_30PG_MODULE_MAGIC;_30_30// variable for the previous hook_30static ProcessUtility_hook_type prev_hook = NULL;_30_30// variable for our reserved roles configuration parameter_30static char *reserved_roles = NULL;_30_30// function declaration for extension initialization_30void _PG_init(void);_30_30// function declaration for our hook_30static void supautils_hook(_30 PlannedStmt *pstmt,_30 const char *queryString,_30 ProcessUtilityContext context,_30 ParamListInfo params,_30 QueryEnvironment *queryEnv,_30 DestReceiver *dest,_30 QueryCompletion *completionTag_30);_30_30// function declaration for our pure function that will return a reserved role_30static char* look_for_reserved_role(Node *utility_stmt, List *reserved_role_list);
Up next we'll define each one of these function declarations.
Initializing the extension
Let's now _PG_init
our extension. Besides setting the hook here, we want to define our reserved roles as a configuration parameter, that way they can be modified by editing the postgresql.conf
file. For this, we can use the DefineCustomStringVariable
function, which inserts the parameter into Postgres "Grand Unified Configuration"(GUC) system.
_22void_22_PG_init(void)_22{_22 // Store the previous hook_22 prev_hook = ProcessUtility_hook;_22 // Set our hook_22 ProcessUtility_hook = supautils_hook;_22_22 // Define our "supautils.reserved_roles" parameter_22 // some arguments are unused so they are left as NULL_22 DefineCustomStringVariable("supautils.reserved_roles",_22 "Comma-separated list of roles that cannot be altered or dropped",_22 NULL,_22 // It will be assigned to the reserved_roles variable_22 &reserved_roles,_22 NULL,_22 // We should be able to reload this parameter without restarting the server,_22 // e.g. with "select pg_reload_conf()"._22 PGC_SIGHUP,_22 0,_22 NULL, NULL, NULL);_22}
Running the SupaUtils hook
Now that our hook is set, we'll define what it will do. As specified in the ProcessUtility_hook_type, the hook's first parameter is a PlannedStmt
, this represents the planned statement — the output from the Postgres planner. This is a step before the statement is executed.
We'll look for the presence of a reserved role in the planned statement. If there's one present, we'll report an error and abort the statement execution step.
_55static void_55supautils_hook(_55 // The planned statement_55 PlannedStmt *pstmt,_55 // These parameters are here for completion, we'll not use any of them_55 const char *queryString,_55 ProcessUtilityContext context,_55 ParamListInfo params,_55 QueryEnvironment *queryEnv,_55 DestReceiver *dest,_55 QueryCompletion *completionTag_55)_55{_55 // Get the utility statement from the planned statement_55 Node *utility_stmt = pstmt->utilityStmt;_55_55 // Only do the logic if supautils.reserved_roles is not NULL_55 if(reserved_roles){_55 // The found reserved role, assume none was found by default_55 char *reserved_role = NULL;_55 // Temp var for storing the list of reserved roles_55 List *reserved_role_list;_55_55 // split the comma-separated string into a List by using a_55 // helper function from varlena.h_55 if (!SplitIdentifierString(pstrdup(reserved_roles), ',', &reserved_role_list))_55 // abort and report an error if the splitting fails_55 ereport(ERROR,_55 (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE),_55 errmsg("parameter \"%s\" must be a comma-separated list of "_55 "identifiers", reserved_roles)));_55_55 // look for the reserved role in an internal function_55 reserved_role = look_for_reserved_role(utility_stmt, reserved_role_list);_55_55 // we're done with the list so free it from memory_55 list_free(reserved_role_list);_55_55 // abort and report an error if a reserved role was found_55 if(reserved_role)_55 ereport(ERROR,_55 (errcode(ERRCODE_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGE),_55 errmsg("\"%s\" is a reserved role, it cannot be modified", reserved_role)));_55 }_55_55 // Run the previous hook if defined or call the standard function_55 if (prev_hook)_55 prev_hook(pstmt, queryString,_55 context, params, queryEnv,_55 dest, completionTag);_55 else_55 standard_ProcessUtility(pstmt, queryString,_55 context, params, queryEnv,_55 dest, completionTag);_55}
Looking for the reserved role
Lastly, we'll define how we look for the reserved role.
At this stage, we already have the utility statement and the reserved role list. All that's left to do is to define if the utility statement is an ALTER ROLE
statement, and whether if the role it affects is a reserved one.
_70static char*_70look_for_reserved_role(Node *utility_stmt, List *reserved_role_list)_70{_70 // Check the utility statement type_70 switch (utility_stmt->type)_70 {_70 // Matches statements like:_70 // ALTER ROLE role NOLOGIN_70 case T_AlterRoleStmt:_70 {_70 // cast the utility statement to an alter role statement_70 AlterRoleStmt *stmt = (AlterRoleStmt *) utility_stmt;_70_70 //RoleSpec has the role name plus some attributes_70 RoleSpec *role = stmt->role;_70_70 // postgres defines its own list utilities in pg_list.h_70 // ListCell is an element of the list that we'll use for iteration_70 ListCell *role_cell;_70_70 // pg_list.h includes the foreach macro for iterating over lists_70 foreach(role_cell, reserved_role_list)_70 {_70 // get the list element_70 char *reserved_role = (char *) lfirst(role_cell);_70_70 // compare the statement role with the reserved role_70 // get_rolespec_name will get the RoleSpec role name,_70 // even in cases where the role is the special case of_70 // "current_user" or "session_user"_70 if (strcmp(get_rolespec_name(role), reserved_role) == 0)_70 return reserved_role;_70 }_70_70 break;_70 }_70_70 // Matches statements like:_70 // DROP ROLE role_70 case T_DropRoleStmt:_70 {_70 // cast the utility statement to a drop role statement_70 DropRoleStmt *stmt = (DropRoleStmt *) utility_stmt;_70 ListCell *item;_70_70 // the logic is the same as before, iterate over the reserved role list_70 // and find a match_70 foreach(item, stmt->roles)_70 {_70 RoleSpec *role = lfirst(item);_70 ListCell *role_cell;_70_70 foreach(role_cell, reserved_role_list)_70 {_70 char *reserved_role = (char *) lfirst(role_cell);_70_70 if (strcmp(get_rolespec_name(role), reserved_role) == 0)_70 return reserved_role;_70 }_70 }_70_70 break;_70 }_70_70 default:_70 break;_70 }_70 // Didn't find any reserved role on the statement, so return NULL_70 return NULL;_70}
Testing the extension
Now that the code is finished, we can test the extension. Since we already have a Makefile
, the extension can be installed by doing make && make install
. Then, in postgresql.conf:
_10# set the extension as preloaded, this will require a restart_10shared_preload_libraries="supautils"_10_10# the reserved roles_10supautils.reserved_roles="supabase_storage_admin, supabase_auth_admin"
We'll now try to alter or drop the reserved roles:
_10alter role supabase_storage_admin nologin password 'fake';_10ERROR: "supabase_storage_admin" is a reserved role, it cannot be modified_10_10drop role supabase_auth_admin;_10ERROR: "supabase_auth_admin" is a reserved role, it cannot be modified_10_10-- Success!!
Wrapping up
As you can see, PostgreSQL Hooks allow us to intercept SQL statements. There are many types of hooks, you can see unofficial documentation for these at AmatanHead/psql-hooks.
The full SupaUtils code is in our GitHub repository.
By the way, if you like working on PostgreSQL tooling and extensions: we are hiring PostgreSQL experts!
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