Apple & Twitter Logins, Supabase Grid, Go & Swift Libraries. Lots of great stuff to try out this month.
Quick demo
Watch a full demo:
Apple logins are now available
Did you know: if you ship an app to the App Store with any third-party logins, you're required to enable Apple logins as well? Now you can with Supabase Auth.
Twitter logins are now available
You can also use Twitter as an OAuth provider with Supabase Auth. Twitter has a very archaic OAuth implementation, so this one took awhile.
New storage policy editor
We shipped a new Policy Editor for managing Row Level Security on your Storage. We provide some templates to simplify the process for new developers.
Supabase Grid
We are still working on Open Sourcing our Dashboard, and took another step closer by publicly releasing a new Supabase Grid. It's not ready to use outside of the Supabase ecosystem, but over time we hope to make it usable with any Postgres Database.
Japan (Tokyo) 🇯🇵 is now available as a region
There are a huge number of Supabase developers in Japan and China, and at their request we've launched Tokyo as a region.
Return data as CSV
You can now retrieve your data as Comma Separated Values. Thanks to @andreivreja for the awesome PR.
New Go Libraries
The community started developing the Go libraries. postgrest-go is completed, @Yusuf_Papurcu and @muratmirgun are working on the remaining libraries.
New Swift Libraries
The community started developing the Swift libraries too. @satishbabariya is making huge progress on
, and
Build in Public
We started a weekly 1-hour live stream where we build in public.
- Build in Public 001: Building a "Next.js + Supabase" Tutorial
- Build in Public 002:
and "React + Supabase" Tutorial
made his first OSS contribution, and documented it on YouTube. Twitter.@sonnylazuardi
built an awesome 3d globe using Supabase. Twitter.@yallurium
released Part 2 of "Going Full Stack with Flutter and Supabase". Twitter.@coderinblack
built an Audio Social Platform using Supabase. Twitter.@adityathakurxd
built a Flutter + Supabase starter kit. GitHub.@dshukertjr
built a geo-tagged video sharing app with Flutter + Supabase. GitHub@JonoYeong
created a 6-minute overview of Supabase. YouTube. Twitter.- Everyone who has produced Supabase content is now receiving their swag. Send a link to your blog, app, or video to swag@supabase.io along with your address and we'll make sure you're included in the next drop.
Supabase GitHub Star Growth
Source: repository.surf/supabase
If you want to keep up to date, make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel or follow us on Twitter.
Coming Next
We're planning another Launch Week at the end of July. We'll probably have a quiet month of shipping this month so that we can get everything prepared for July.
Get started
- Start using Supabase today: supabase.com/dashboard
- Make sure to star us on GitHub
- Follow us on Twitter
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- Become a sponsor