Top 10 Launches from Supabase GA Week

18 Apr 2024

5 minute read

There's always a lot to cover in Launch Weeks. Here are a few highlights:

#10: Bootstrap: the fastest way to launch a project

Supabase Bootstrap is the fastest way to spin up a new hosted Supabase project from existing starter templates. Just run supabase bootstrap with our CLI and we'll help you launch a new application and attach a remote database to get you started.

Read more.

#9: Branching is now Publicly available

Supabase Branching is now in open beta. You can enable it on any project that's Pro Plan or above. Branching is a seamless integration of Git with your development workflow, extending beyond your local environment to a remote database.

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#8: Postgres Index Advisor

We shipped a Postgres extension for recommending indexes to improve query performance. It leans heavily on HypoPG, an excellent extension to determine if Postgres will use a given index without spending resources to create them.

See the HN discussion.

#7: Official Swift support

The Supabase Swift libraries are now officially supported by Supabase. This makes it simple to interact with Supabase from applications on Apple's platforms, including iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS, and visionOS.

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#6: Security Advisor + Performance Advisor

We're dropping some handy tools in Supabase Studio this week to help with security and performance: a Security Advisor for detecting insecure database configuration, and a Performance Advisor for suggesting database optimizations.

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#5: Native AI support in Edge Functions

We're making it super easy to run AI models within Supabase Edge Functions. We have a new API to generate embeddings and upcoming support for Large Language Models like llama3 and mistral.

Read more.

#4: S3 compatibility in Supabase Storage

Supabase Storage is now officially an S3-Compatible Storage Provider. With the support of the S3 protocol, you can now connect Supabase Storage to thousands of 3rd-party tools and services, and make it even easier to use Supabase for data engineering.

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#3: Anonymous sign-ins

Anonymous sign-ins can be used to create temporary users who haven't signed up for your application yet. This lowers the friction for new users to try out your product since they don't have to provide any signup credentials. One of our most-requested features by the community!

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#2: Oriole joins Supabase

Oriole is a table storage extension for Postgres. It is designed to be a drop-in replacement for Postgres' existing storage engine, and benchmarks show that it's significantly faster. Over time we hope that it can become available for any Postgres installation and we will continue to work with Oriole and the Postgres community to make this happen.

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#1: General Availability

Supabase is now GA. During the first year of Supabase we set ourselves a goal: build a managed platform capable of securely running 1 million databases. Today we've proven that metric and we're announcing the General Availability of the platform that will serve the next 99 million.

Check out the journey so far.

More updates

There's been a few other highlights this week:

Supabase + Fly updates

In the previous Launch Week we started working on Fly Postgres, a managed offering from Supabase. We've received a lot of feedback from early testers, and we're working hard to make the service available and as resilient for production workloads.

Today we're opening up access to everyone for testing. Testers can also try Branching, an opt-in feature which creates an ephemeral test environment for your git branches. These instances automatically pause when you aren't using them.

Meetups in 27 cities

We started GA Week with 10 confirmed community meetups. Over the week, more community members volunteered to host meetups in their own cities. With 25 meetups across the world, some with just 3 people and some with over 50, the Supabase community has truly made our team feel thankful. A huges shout out to these organizers:

Rita & Ann (New York), Mansueli & Guilherme (Maringá), Florian (Seoul), Jose & Aile (Miami), Philippe (Berlin), Tyler (Tokyo), Ivan (Tenerife), Thor (Singapore), Jack (London), Fatuma (Nairobi), Emilio (Milan), Jay Raj Mishra (Kathmandu), Bharat (New Delhi), Abdulhakeem Adams (Ilorin, Nigeria), Kyle Rummens (Utah, USA), Laksh (Nagpur, India), Cam Blackwood (Edinburgh, Scotland), Harry (Central Manchester), Guilleume (Dubai), Kristian (Bergen, Norway), Andrei (Zagreb, Croatia), Misel (Serbia), Matthew (Toronto, Canada), Charlie Coppinger (Wellington, NZ), Nicolas Montone (Buenos Aires, Argentina), Ryan Griffin (Melbourne, Australia), Isheanesu (Cape Town, SA), Aileen (Monterrey, Mexico), Martin (Hong Kong), Bilal Aamer (Hyderabad, India), Gabriel Pan Gantes (Barcelona, Spain).

Upcoming Meetup in SF

We're also hosting a bigger meeting in San Fransisco in June, with a few friends like, Ollama, and Tigris. If you want to hang out with Ant & I, sign up for a full day of hacking at the a16z office:

Register here


The 10-day hackathon is still going! If you want a chance to win a set of Apple AirPods along with extremely limited edition Supabase swag check out all the details here.

Until next Launch Week, keep building cool stuff.

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