MongoDB announced that their Data API and HTTPS Endpoints will reach end-of-life by September 30, 2025. This has left many engineering teams evaluating alternatives. Supabase includes built-in support for REST APIs (via PostgREST), mirroring the core functionality previously provided by MongoDB's Data API.
The implications of MongoDB's Data API deprecation
MongoDB's Data API allowed developers to interact with their Atlas databases through straightforward RESTful endpoints, simplifying integration across frontend, backend, and serverless applications. With its removal, developers must pivot to alternative methods such as native MongoDB drivers combined with backend frameworks (Express, SpringBoot, FastAPI), or third-party solutions like RESTHeart, Hasura, or Neurelo.
This shift requires substantial refactoring for teams that rely on the simplified REST interface.
Supabase as a MongoDB alternative
Supabase is an open-source MongoDB alternative and offers:
- A managed Postgres database, eliminating vendor lock-in.
- Built-in REST API via open-source PostgREST, directly analogous to MongoDB's Data API.
- Real-time capabilities, authentication, file storage, and serverless functions—all tightly integrated.
Most notably, Supabase automatically generates a RESTful API from your database schema, powered by PostgREST, itself a stable open-source project with a strong community. This feature accelerates development by eliminating boilerplate code for basic CRUD operations. Supabase provides a near drop-in replacement for MongoDB’s Data API. The Supabase Data API also supports GraphQL and a host of mobile and web application frameworks.
In the end, you can focus on migrating your data, expose your data using Supabase’s Data API, and seamlessly integrate with your client applications.
Migrating from MongoDB to Supabase: a step-by-step guide
To migrate to Supabase, you will need to:
- Export your MongoDB data
- Import JSON data into Supabase
- Normalize the data using SQL
- Transition your existing MongoDB Data API calls to Supabase PostgREST
- Add more Supabase features to round out your app
Step 1: Export your MongoDB data
Export MongoDB documents using mongoexport:
_10mongoexport --uri="mongodb+srv://<username>:<password>@cluster.mongodb.net/<dbname>" \_10 --collection=users \_10 --jsonArray \_10 --out=users.json
Step 2: Import JSON data into Supabase
Create a table in Supabase with a JSONB column to store raw Mongo documents:
_10create table mongo_users_raw (_10 id uuid primary key default gen_random_uuid(),_10 data jsonb not null_10);
Then, ingest the exported JSON data into this Supabase table using this custom script:
_31import { createClient } from '@supabase/supabase-js'_31import fs from 'fs'_31_31const supabaseUrl = 'YOUR_SUPABASE_URL'_31const supabaseKey = 'YOUR_SUPABASE_API_KEY'_31const tableName = 'YOUR_TABLE_NAME'_31const jsonFilePath = './filename.json'_31_31const supabase = createClient(supabaseUrl, supabaseKey)_31_31async function loadDocumentsToSupabase() {_31 try {_31 // Read JSON file_31 const rawData = fs.readFileSync(jsonFilePath)_31 const dataArray = JSON.parse(rawData).map((data) => ({ data }))_31_31 // Insert data into Supabase_31 const { error } = await supabase.from(tableName).insert(dataArray)_31_31 if (error) {_31 console.error('Error inserting data:', error)_31 return_31 }_31_31 console.log(`Successfully inserted ${dataArray.length} records into ${tableName}`)_31 } catch (error) {_31 console.error('Error in process:', error)_31 }_31}_31_31loadDocumentsToSupabase()
Step 3: Normalize the data using SQL
Once your data is imported as JSONB, leverage PostgreSQL’s powerful JSON functions to incrementally normalize and populate relational tables:
_16-- Example to normalize user data_16INSERT INTO users (name, email)_16SELECT_16 data->>'name' as name,_16 data->>'email' as email_16FROM mongo_users_raw;_16_16-- Example to normalize orders into a separate table_16INSERT INTO orders (user_id, product, quantity)_16SELECT_16 u.id,_16 orders->>'product',_16 (orders.value->>'quantity')::INTEGER_16FROM mongo_users_raw m_16JOIN users u ON (m.data->>'name') = u.name,_16LATERAL jsonb_array_elements(m.data->'orders') AS order_data
Step 4: Transition API calls to Supabase PostgREST
Once your data has been structured into tables, Supabase automatically generates REST APIs for each table via PostgREST, allowing effortless querying from your application.
For example, if you have a users table, querying user information using Supabase’s JavaScript library would look like this:
_20import { createClient } from '@supabase/supabase-js'_20_20const supabase = createClient('https://<your-project>.supabase.co', '<your-api-key>')_20_20// Fetch user named John along with their orders_20const { data, error } = await supabase_20 .from('users')_20 .select(_20 `_20 id, name,_20 orders (product, quantity)_20 `_20 )_20 .eq('name', 'John')_20_20if (error) {_20 console.error(error)_20} else {_20 console.log(data)_20}
Using the automatically generated Supabase REST APIs offers a clear migration path from MongoDB’s deprecated Data API.
Step 5: Add more Supabase features
Once your data is migrated, you can start to use Supabase to its fullest:
- Authentication. Let your users login with email, Google, Apple, GitHub, and more. Secure and trusted.
- Role-Based Access Control (RBAC). Secure your data properly.
- Storage. Affordable and fast, for all the videos and images you need in your app.
- Edge Functions. Custom backend logic when you want to dive into code.
- Realtime. Build immersive multi-player, collaborative experiences.
- AI Ready. When you’re ready to explore vectors and the power of AI, Supabase is there with industry-standard tools to guide you.
- Foreign Data Wrappers (FDW). Pull data from Google Sheets, Airtable, MySQL, and more, as if they were part of Supabase natively.
- Instant and secure deployment. No need to set up servers, manage DevOps, or tweak security settings.
Key considerations and trade-offs
- Schema flexibility: PostgreSQL schemas are less flexible than MongoDB; careful upfront design mitigates this.
- Complexity in migration: Document structures require transformation scripts.
- Query patterns: Analyze existing MongoDB queries to optimize relational joins.
- Add indexes: Use the Index Advisor in the Supabase Dashboard to further optimize your tables.
Supabase is an ideal replacement for MongoDB, especially considering the Data API deprecation. Supabase is built on Postgres, one of the world’s most powerful and scalable databases. In addition, Supabase’s Data API directly parallels MongoDB's Data API, offering a simplified transition path.
This blog post provides further detail on how to transition from MongoDB. If you’re encountering difficulty, feel free to reach out to us. We’d be happy to help.
With careful planning and methodical execution, engineering teams can navigate this migration confidently, leveraging Supabase as a trusted, long-term solution.