Generate Vector Tiles with PostGIS

26 Jun 2024

12 minute read

Overture Maps Foundation is a Joint Development Foundation Project initiated by Amazon, Meta, Microsoft, and tomtom, aiming to create reliable, easy-to-use, and interoperable open map data.

Overture Maps allows us to download open map data, like places of interest, as GeoJSON which we can transform into SQL and ingest into our Postgres database on Supabase.

Using PostGIS we can then programmatically generate vector tiles and serve them to our MapLibre GL client using supabase-js.

In this tutorial, you will learn to

  • Use Overture Maps to download open map places data in GeoJSON format.
  • Use GDAL ogr2ogr to transform GeoJSON into SQL statements.
  • Import location data and JSON metadata into your Supabase Postgres database using psql.
  • Use PostGIS' ST_AsMVT to aggregate a set of rows corresponding to a tile layer into a binary vector tile representation.
  • Use MapLibre's addProtocol to visualize large PostGIS tables by making remote procedure calls with supabase-js.
  • Use supabase-js to fetch additional JSON metadata on demand

Download open map data with Overture Maps

Overture Maps provides a python command-line tool to download data within a region of interest and converts it to several common geospatial file formats.

We can download places in Singapore into a GeoJSON file with this command:

overturemaps download --bbox=103.570233,1.125077,104.115855,1.490957 -f geojson --type=place -o places.geojson

Depending on the size of the bounding box this can take quite some time!

Transform GeoJSON into SQL

In the next step, we can use GDAL ogr2ogr to transform the GeoJSON file into a PostGIS compatible SQL file.

You can install GDAL via homebrew brew install gdal or follow the download instructions.

PG_USE_COPY=true ogr2ogr -f pgdump places.sql places.geojson

Import location data into Supabase

Enable the PostGIS extension on your Supabase Database on a dedicated separate gis schema. To do so you can navigate to the SQL Editor and run the following SQL, or you can enable the extension from the Database Extensions Settings.

As PostGIS can be quite compute heavy, we recommend enabling it on a dedicated separate schema, for example, named gis!


Import the open map data into a places table in Supabase:

psql -h -p 5432 -d postgres -U postgres.project-ref < places.sql

You can find the credentials in the Database settings of your Supabase Dashboard.

Enable RLS and create a public read policy

We want the places data to be available publicly, so we can create a row level security policy that enables public read access.

In your Supabase Dashboard, navigate to the SQL Editor and run the following:

CREATE POLICY "Enable read access for all users" ON "public"."places" FOR SELECT USING (true);

Generate vector tiles with PostGIS

To programmatically generate vector tiles on client-side request, we need to create a Postgres function that we can invoke via a remote procedure call. In your SQL Editor, run:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION mvt(z integer, x integer, y integer)
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $$
mvt_output text;
-- Define the bounds of the tile using the provided Z, X, Y coordinates
bounds AS (
SELECT ST_TileEnvelope(z, x, y) AS geom
-- Transform the geometries from EPSG:4326 to EPSG:3857 and clip them to the tile bounds
mvtgeom AS (
-- include the name and id only at zoom 13 to make low-zoom tiles smaller
WHEN z > 13 THEN id
END AS id,
WHEN z > 13 THEN names::json->>'primary'
END AS primary_name,
categories::json->>'main' as main_category,
ST_Transform(wkb_geometry, 3857), -- Transform the geometry to Web Mercator
4096, -- The extent of the tile in pixels (commonly 256 or 4096)
0, -- Buffer around the tile in pixels
true -- Clip geometries to the tile extent
) AS geom
places, bounds
ST_Intersects(ST_Transform(wkb_geometry, 3857), bounds.geom)
-- Generate the MVT from the clipped geometries
SELECT INTO mvt_output encode(ST_AsMVT(mvtgeom, 'places', 4096, 'geom'),'base64')
FROM mvtgeom;
RETURN mvt_output;

To limit the amount of data sent over the wire, we limit the amount of metadata to include in the vector tile. For example we add a condition for the zoom level, and only return the place name when the user has zoomed in beyond level 13.

Use supabase-js to fetch vector tiles from MapLibre GL client

You can find the full index.html code on GitHub. Here we'll highlight how to add a new protocol to MapLibreGL to fetch the bas64 encoded binary vector tile data via supabase-js so that MapLibre GL can fetch and render the data as your users interact with the map:


const client = supabase.createClient('your-supabase-api-url', 'your-supabase-anon-key')
function base64ToArrayBuffer(base64) {
var binaryString = atob(base64)
var bytes = new Uint8Array(binaryString.length)
for (var i = 0; i < binaryString.length; i++) {
bytes[i] = binaryString.charCodeAt(i)
return bytes
maplibregl.addProtocol('supabase', async (params, abortController) => {
const re = new RegExp(/supabase:\/\/(.+)\/(\d+)\/(\d+)\/(\d+)/)
const result = params.url.match(re)
const { data, error } = await client.rpc('mvt', {
z: result[2],
x: result[3],
y: result[4],
const encoded = base64ToArrayBuffer(data)
if (!error) {
return { data: encoded }
} else {
throw new Error(`Tile fetch error:`)

With the supabase protocol registered, we can now add it to our MapLibre GL sources on top of a basemap like Protomaps for example:


// ...
const map = new maplibregl.Map({
hash: true,
container: 'map',
style: {
version: 8,
glyphs: '{fontstack}/{range}.pbf',
sources: {
supabase: {
type: 'vector',
tiles: ['supabase://boston/{z}/{x}/{y}'],
attribution: '© <a href="">Overture Maps Foundation</a>',
protomaps: {
type: 'vector',
url: '',
attribution: 'Basemap © <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a>',
// ...

On demand fetch additional JSON metadata

To limit the amount of data sent over the wire, we don't encode all the metadata in the vector tile itself, but rather set up an onclick handler to fetch the additional metadata on demand within the MapLibre GL popup:


// ..
const popup = new maplibregl.Popup({
closeButton: true,
closeOnClick: false,
maxWidth: 'none',
function loadDetails(element, id) {
element.innerHTML = 'loading...'
source: sources->0->dataset
.eq('id', id)
.then(({ data, error }) => {
if (error) return console.error(error)
element.parentElement.innerHTML = `<pre>${JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}</pre>`
map.on('click', 'overture-pois-text', async (e) => {
if (e.features.length > 0) {
const feature = e.features[0]
<table style="font-size:12px">
<span onclick="loadDetails(this, '${}')">
load details
// ...


PostGIS is incredibly powerful, allowing you to programmatically generate vector tiles from table rows stored in Postgres. Paired with Supabase's auto generated REST API and supabase-js client library you're able to build interactive geospatial applications with ease!

Want to learn more about Maps and PostGIS? Make sure to follow our Twitter and YouTube channels to not miss out! See you then!

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