PostgREST 12.2: Prometheus metrics

16 Aug 2024

2 minute read

PostgREST 12.2 is out! It comes with Observability and API improvements. In this post, we'll see what's new.

Prometheus Metrics

Version 12.2 ships with Prometheus-compatible metrics for PostgREST's schema cache and connection pool. These are useful for troubleshooting, for example, when PostgREST's pool is starved for connections.

curl localhost:3001/metrics
# HELP pgrst_db_pool_timeouts_total The total number of pool connection timeouts
# TYPE pgrst_db_pool_timeouts_total counter
pgrst_db_pool_timeouts_total 7.0
# ....

A full list of supported metrics is available in the PostgREST documentation.

Hoisted Function Settings

Sometimes it's handy to set a custom timeout per function. You can now do this on 12.2 projects with:

create or replace function special_function()
returns void as $$
select pg_sleep(3); -- simulating some long-running process
language sql
set statement_timeout to '4s';

And calling the function with the RPC interface.

When doing set statement_timeouton the function, the statement_timeout will be “hoisted” and applied per transaction.

By default this also works for other settings, namely plan_filter.statement_cost_limit and default_transaction_isolation. The list of hoisted settings can be extended by modifying the db-hoisted-tx-settings configuration.

Before 12.2, this could be done by setting a statement_timeout on the API roles, but this affected all the SQL statements executed by those roles.

Max Affected

In prior versions of PostgREST, users could limit the number of records impacted by mutations (insert/update/delete) to 1 row using vendor media type application/vnd.pgrst.object+json. That supports a common use case but is not flexible enough to support user defined values.

12.2 introduces the max-affected preference to limit the affected rows up to a custom value.

For example:

curl -i "http://localhost:3000/items?id=lt.15" -X DELETE \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Prefer: handling=strict, max-affected=10"

If the number of affected records exceeds max-affected , an error is returned:

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
"code": "PGRST124",
"message": "Query result exceeds max-affected preference constraint",
"details": "The query affects 14 rows",
"hint": null

Try it out

PostgREST v12.2 is already available on the Supabase platform on its latest patch version (v12.2.3) for new projects. Spin up a new project or upgrade your existing project to try it out!

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