Login with Facebook
To enable Facebook Auth for your project, you need to set up a Facebook OAuth application and add the application credentials to your Supabase Dashboard.
Setting up Facebook logins for your application consists of 3 parts:
- Create and configure a Facebook Application on the Facebook Developers Site
- Add your Facebook keys to your Supabase Project
- Add the login code to your Supabase JS Client App
Access your Facebook Developer account
- Go to developers.facebook.com.
- Click on
Log In
at the top right to log in.
Create a Facebook app
- Click on
My Apps
at the top right. - Click
Create App
near the top right. - Select your app type and click
. - Fill in your app information, then click
Create App
. - This should bring you to the screen:
Add Products to Your App
. (Alternatively you can click onAdd Product
in the left sidebar to get to this screen.)
The next step requires a callback URL, which looks like this: https://<project-ref>.supabase.co/auth/v1/callback
- Go to your Supabase Project Dashboard
- Click on the
icon in the left sidebar - Click on
under the Configuration section - Click on Facebook from the accordion list to expand and you'll find your Callback URL, you can click
to copy it to the clipboard
For testing OAuth locally with the Supabase CLI see the local development docs.
Set up Facebook login for your Facebook app
From the Add Products to your App
- Click
underFacebook Login
- Skip the Quickstart screen, instead, in the left sidebar, click
underFacebook Login
- Enter your callback URI under
Valid OAuth Redirect URIs
on theFacebook Login Settings
page - Enter this in the
Valid OAuth Redirect URIs
box - Click
Save Changes
at the bottom right
Be aware that you have to set the right use case permissions to enable Third party applications to read the email address. To do so:
Under Build Your App
, click on Use Cases
screen. From there, do the following steps:
- Click the Edit button in
Authentication and Account Creation
on the right side. This action will lead to the other page. public_profile
is set by default, so make sure it andemail
have status of Ready for testing in the redirected page.- If not, click the Add button in email on right side.
Copy your Facebook app ID and secret
- Click
Settings / Basic
in the left sidebar - Copy your App ID from the top of the
Basic Settings
page - Under
App Secret
then copy your secret - Make sure all required fields are completed on this screen.
Enter your Facebook app ID and secret into your Supabase project
- Go to your Supabase Project Dashboard
- In the left sidebar, click the
icon (near the top) - Click on
under the Configuration section - Click on Facebook from the accordion list to expand and turn Facebook Enabled to ON
- Enter your Facebook Client ID and Facebook Client Secret saved in the previous step
- Click
Add login code to your client app
Make sure you're using the right supabase
client in the following code.
If you're not using Server-Side Rendering or cookie-based Auth, you can directly use the createClient
from @supabase/supabase-js
. If you're using Server-Side Rendering, see the Server-Side Auth guide for instructions on creating your Supabase client.
When your user signs in, call signInWithOAuth()
with facebook
as the provider
12345async function signInWithFacebook() { const { data, error } = await supabase.auth.signInWithOAuth({ provider: 'facebook', })}
For a PKCE flow, for example in Server-Side Auth, you need an extra step to handle the code exchange. When calling signInWithOAuth
, provide a redirectTo
URL which points to a callback route. This redirect URL should be added to your redirect allow list.
In the browser, signInWithOAuth
automatically redirects to the OAuth provider's authentication endpoint, which then redirects to your endpoint.
123456await supabase.auth.signInWithOAuth({ provider, options: { redirectTo: `http://example.com/auth/callback`, },})
At the callback endpoint, handle the code exchange to save the user session.
Create a new file at app/auth/callback/route.ts
and populate with the following:
123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930import { NextResponse } from 'next/server'// The client you created from the Server-Side Auth instructionsimport { createClient } from '@/utils/supabase/server'export async function GET(request: Request) { const { searchParams, origin } = new URL(request.url) const code = searchParams.get('code') // if "next" is in param, use it as the redirect URL const next = searchParams.get('next') ?? '/' if (code) { const supabase = await createClient() const { error } = await supabase.auth.exchangeCodeForSession(code) if (!error) { const forwardedHost = request.headers.get('x-forwarded-host') // original origin before load balancer const isLocalEnv = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' if (isLocalEnv) { // we can be sure that there is no load balancer in between, so no need to watch for X-Forwarded-Host return NextResponse.redirect(`${origin}${next}`) } else if (forwardedHost) { return NextResponse.redirect(`https://${forwardedHost}${next}`) } else { return NextResponse.redirect(`${origin}${next}`) } } } // return the user to an error page with instructions return NextResponse.redirect(`${origin}/auth/auth-code-error`)}
When your user signs out, call signOut() to remove them from the browser session and any objects from localStorage:
123async function signOut() { const { error } = await supabase.auth.signOut()}
Now, you should be able to login with Facebook and alert you to Submit for Login Review
when users try to sign into your app. Follow the instructions there to make your app go live for full features and products.
You can read more about App Review here.