Performance and Security Advisors
Check your database for performance and security issues
You can use the Database Performance and Security Advisors to check your database for issues such as missing indexes and improperly set-up RLS policies.
Using the Advisors
In the dashboard, navigate to Security Advisor and Performance Advisor under Database. The advisors run automatically. You can also manually rerun them after you've resolved issues.
Available checks
Level: INFO
In relational databases, indexing foreign key columns is a standard practice for improving query performance. Indexing these columns is recommended in most cases because it improves query join performance along a declared relationship.
What is a Foreign Key?
A foreign key is a constraint on a column (or set of columns) that enforces a relationship between two tables. For example, a foreign key from book.author_id
enforces that every value in book.author_id
exists in
. Once the foriegn key is declared, it is not possible to insert a value into book.author_id
that does not exist in
. Similarly, Postgres will not allow us to delete a value from
that is referenced by book.author_id
. This concept is known as referential integrity.
Why Index Foreign Key Columns?
Given that foreign keys define relationships among tables, it is common to use foreign key columns in join conditions when querying the database. Adding an index to the columns making up the foreign key improves the performance of those joins and reduces database resource consumption.
12345678910select, book.title, author.namefrom book join author -- Both sides of the following condition should be indexed -- for best performance on book.author_id =
How to Resolve
Given a table:
12345create table book ( id serial primary key, title text not null, author_id int references author(id) -- this defines the foreign key);
To apply the best practice of indexing foreign keys, an index is needed on the book.author_id
column. We can create that index using:
1create index ix_book_author_id on book(author_id);
In this case we used the default B-tree index type. Be sure to choose an index type that is appropriate for the data types and use case when working with your own tables.
Let's look at a practical example involving two tables: order_item
and customer
, where order_item
references customer
Given the schema:
12345678910create table customer ( id serial primary key, name text not null);create table order_item ( id serial primary key, order_date date not null, customer_id integer not null references customer (id));
We expect the tables to be joined on the condition = order_item.customer_id
As in:
1234567select, order_item.order_datefrom customer join order_item on = order_item.customer_id
Using Postgres' "explain plan" functionality, we can see how its query planner expects to execute the query.
12345Hash Join (cost=38.58..74.35 rows=2040 width=36) Hash Cond: (order_item.customer_id = -> Seq Scan on order_item (cost=0.00..30.40 rows=2040 width=8) -> Hash (cost=22.70..22.70 rows=1270 width=36) -> Seq Scan on customer (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)
Notice that the condition order_item.customer_id =
is being serviced by a Seq Scan
, a sequential scan across the order_items
table. That means Postgres intends to sequentially iterate over each row in the table to identify the value of customer_id
Next, if we index order_item.customer_id
and recompute the query plan:
12345678910create index ix_order_item_customer_id on order_item(customer_id);explainselect, order_item.order_datefrom customer join order_item on = order_item.customer_id
We get the query plan:
12345Hash Join (cost=38.58..74.35 rows=2040 width=36) Hash Cond: (order_item.customer_id = -> Seq Scan on order_item (cost=0.00..30.40 rows=2040 width=8) -> Hash (cost=22.70..22.70 rows=1270 width=36) -> Seq Scan on customer (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)
Note that nothing changed.
We get an identical result because Postgres' query planner is clever enough to know that a Seq Scan
over an empty table is extremely fast, so theres no reason for it to reach out to an index. As more rows are inserted into the order_item
table the tradeoff between sequentially scanning and retriving the index steadily tip in favor of the index. Rather than manually finding this inflection point, we can hint to the query planner that we'd like to use indexes by disabling sequentials scans except where they are the only available option. To provides that hint we can use:
1set local enable_seqscan = off;
With that change:
12345678910set local enable_seqscan = off;explainselect, order_item.order_datefrom customer join order_item on = order_item.customer_id
We get the query plan:
12345Hash Join (cost=79.23..159.21 rows=2040 width=36) Hash Cond: (order_item.customer_id = -> Index Scan using ix_order_item_customer_id on order_item (cost=0.15..74.75 rows=2040 width=8) -> Hash (cost=63.20..63.20 rows=1270 width=36) -> Index Scan using customer_pkey on customer (cost=0.15..63.20 rows=1270 width=36)
The new plan services the order_item.customer_id =
join condition using an Index Scan
on ix_order_item_customer_id
which is far more efficient at scale.