

Stripe is an API driven online payment processing utility. supabase/wrappers exposes below endpoints.


Before you can query Stripe, you need to enable the Wrappers extension and store your credentials in Postgres.

Enable Wrappers

Make sure the wrappers extension is installed on your database:

create extension if not exists wrappers with schema extensions;

Enable the Stripe Wrapper

Enable the stripe_wrapper FDW:

create foreign data wrapper stripe_wrapper
handler stripe_fdw_handler
validator stripe_fdw_validator;

Store your credentials

We need to provide Postgres with the credentials to connect to Stripe, and any additional options. We can do this using the create server command:

By default, Postgres stores FDW credentials inside pg_catalog.pg_foreign_server in plain text. Anyone with access to this table will be able to view these credentials.

Wrappers is designed to work with Vault, which provides an additional level of security for storing credentials. We recommend using Vault to store your credentials.

-- Save your Stripe API key in Vault and retrieve the `key_id`
insert into vault.secrets (name, secret)
values (
returning key_id;

Reference the credentials using the Key ID or Key Name:

create server stripe_server
foreign data wrapper stripe_wrapper
options (
api_key_id '<key_ID>', -- The Key ID from above, required if api_key_name is not specified.
api_key_name '<key_Name>', -- The Key Name from above, required if api_key_id is not specified.
api_url '', -- Stripe API base URL, optional. Default is ''
api_version '2024-06-20' -- Stripe API version, optional. Default is your Stripe account’s default API version.

Create a schema

We recommend creating a schema to hold all the foreign tables:

create schema stripe;

Creating Foreign Tables

The Stripe Wrapper supports data read and modify from Stripe API.

Balance Transactions
Checkout Sessions
File Links

The Stripe foreign tables mirror Stripe's API.

We can then create the foreign table, for example:

create foreign table stripe.accounts (
id text,
business_type text,
country text,
email text,
type text,
created timestamp,
attrs jsonb
server stripe_server
options (
object 'accounts'

attrs is a special column which stores all the object attributes in JSON format, you can extract any attributes needed or its associated sub objects from it. See more examples below.


This is an object representing a Stripe account.

Ref: Stripe docs




create foreign table stripe.accounts (
id text,
business_type text,
country text,
email text,
type text,
created timestamp,
attrs jsonb
server stripe_server
options (
object 'accounts'


  • While any column is allowed in a where clause, it is most efficient to filter by id.


read only

Shows the balance currently on your Stripe account.

Ref: Stripe docs

create foreign table stripe.balance (
balance_type text,
amount bigint,
currency text,
attrs jsonb
server stripe_server
options (
object 'balance'

Balance Transactions

read only

Balance transactions represent funds moving through your Stripe account. They're created for every type of transaction that comes into or flows out of your Stripe account balance.

Ref: Stripe docs

create foreign table stripe.balance_transactions (
id text,
amount bigint,
currency text,
description text,
fee bigint,
net bigint,
status text,
type text,
created timestamp,
attrs jsonb
server stripe_server
options (
object 'balance_transactions'

While any column is allowed in a where clause, it is most efficient to filter by:

  • id
  • type


read only

To charge a credit or a debit card, you create a Charge object. You can retrieve and refund individual charges as well as list all charges. Charges are identified by a unique, random ID.

Ref: Stripe docs

create foreign table stripe.charges (
id text,
amount bigint,
currency text,
customer text,
description text,
invoice text,
payment_intent text,
status text,
created timestamp,
attrs jsonb
server stripe_server
options (
object 'charges'

While any column is allowed in a where clause, it is most efficient to filter by:

  • id
  • customer

Checkout Sessions

read only

A Checkout Session represents your customer's session as they pay for one-time purchases or subscriptions through Checkout or Payment Links. We recommend creating a new Session each time your customer attempts to pay.

Ref: Stripe docs

create foreign table stripe.checkout_sessions (
id text,
customer text,
payment_intent text,
subscription text,
attrs jsonb
server stripe_server
options (
object 'checkout/sessions',
rowid_column 'id'

While any column is allowed in a where clause, it is most efficient to filter by:

  • id
  • customer
  • payment_intent
  • subscription


read and modify

Contains customers known to Stripe.

Ref: Stripe docs

create foreign table stripe.customers (
id text,
email text,
name text,
description text,
created timestamp,
attrs jsonb
server stripe_server
options (
object 'customers',
rowid_column 'id'

While any column is allowed in a where clause, it is most efficient to filter by:

  • id
  • email


read only

A dispute occurs when a customer questions your charge with their card issuer.

Ref: Stripe docs

create foreign table stripe.disputes (
id text,
amount bigint,
currency text,
charge text,
payment_intent text,
reason text,
status text,
created timestamp,
attrs jsonb
server stripe_server
options (
object 'disputes'

While any column is allowed in a where clause, it is most efficient to filter by:

  • id
  • charge
  • payment_intent


read only

Events are our way of letting you know when something interesting happens in your account.

Ref: Stripe docs

create foreign table (
id text,
type text,
api_version text,
created timestamp,
attrs jsonb
server stripe_server
options (
object 'events'

While any column is allowed in a where clause, it is most efficient to filter by:

  • id
  • type


read only

This is an object representing a file hosted on Stripe's servers.

Ref: Stripe docs

create foreign table stripe.files (
id text,
filename text,
purpose text,
title text,
size bigint,
type text,
url text,
created timestamp,
expires_at timestamp,
attrs jsonb
server stripe_server
options (
object 'files'

While any column is allowed in a where clause, it is most efficient to filter by:

  • id
  • purpose

read only

To share the contents of a File object with non-Stripe users, you can create a FileLink.

Ref: Stripe docs

create foreign table stripe.file_links (
id text,
file text,
url text,
created timestamp,
expired bool,
expires_at timestamp,
attrs jsonb
server stripe_server
options (
object 'file_links'


read only

Invoices are statements of amounts owed by a customer, and are either generated one-off, or generated periodically from a subscription.

Ref: Stripe docs

create foreign table stripe.invoices (
id text,
customer text,
subscription text,
status text,
total bigint,
currency text,
period_start timestamp,
period_end timestamp,
attrs jsonb
server stripe_server
options (
object 'invoices'

While any column is allowed in a where clause, it is most efficient to filter by:

  • id
  • customer
  • status
  • subscription


read only

A Mandate is a record of the permission a customer has given you to debit their payment method.

Ref: Stripe docs

create foreign table stripe.mandates (
id text,
payment_method text,
status text,
type text,
attrs jsonb
server stripe_server
options (
object 'mandates'

While any column is allowed in a where clause, it is most efficient to filter by:

  • id

Payment Intents

read only

A payment intent guides you through the process of collecting a payment from your customer.

Ref: Stripe docs

create foreign table stripe.payment_intents (
id text,
customer text,
amount bigint,
currency text,
payment_method text,
created timestamp,
attrs jsonb
server stripe_server
options (
object 'payment_intents'

While any column is allowed in a where clause, it is most efficient to filter by:

  • id
  • customer


read only

A Payout object is created when you receive funds from Stripe, or when you initiate a payout to either a bank account or debit card of a connected Stripe account.

Ref: Stripe docs

create foreign table stripe.payouts (
id text,
amount bigint,
currency text,
arrival_date timestamp,
description text,
statement_descriptor text,
status text,
created timestamp,
attrs jsonb
server stripe_server
options (
object 'payouts'

While any column is allowed in a where clause, it is most efficient to filter by:

  • id
  • status


read only

A Price object is needed for all of your products to facilitate multiple currencies and pricing options.

Ref: Stripe docs

create foreign table stripe.prices (
id text,
active bool,
currency text,
product text,
unit_amount bigint,
type text,
created timestamp,
attrs jsonb
server stripe_server
options (
object 'prices'

While any column is allowed in a where clause, it is most efficient to filter by:

  • id
  • active


read and modify

All products available in Stripe.

Ref: Stripe docs

create foreign table stripe.products (
id text,
name text,
active bool,
default_price text,
description text,
created timestamp,
updated timestamp,
attrs jsonb
server stripe_server
options (
object 'products',
rowid_column 'id'

While any column is allowed in a where clause, it is most efficient to filter by:

  • id
  • active


read only

Refund objects allow you to refund a charge that has previously been created but not yet refunded.

Ref: Stripe docs

create foreign table stripe.refunds (
id text,
amount bigint,
currency text,
charge text,
payment_intent text,
reason text,
status text,
created timestamp,
attrs jsonb
server stripe_server
options (
object 'refunds'

While any column is allowed in a where clause, it is most efficient to filter by:

  • id
  • charge
  • payment_intent


read only

A SetupAttempt describes one attempted confirmation of a SetupIntent, whether that confirmation was successful or unsuccessful.

Ref: Stripe docs

create foreign table stripe.setup_attempts (
id text,
application text,
customer text,
on_behalf_of text,
payment_method text,
setup_intent text,
status text,
usage text,
created timestamp,
attrs jsonb
server stripe_server
options (
object 'setup_attempts'

While any column is allowed in a where clause, it is most efficient to filter by:

  • id
  • setup_intent


read only

A SetupIntent guides you through the process of setting up and saving a customer's payment credentials for future payments.

Ref: Stripe docs

create foreign table stripe.setup_intents (
id text,
client_secret text,
customer text,
description text,
payment_method text,
status text,
usage text,
created timestamp,
attrs jsonb
server stripe_server
options (
object 'setup_intents'

While any column is allowed in a where clause, it is most efficient to filter by:

  • id
  • customer
  • payment_method


read and modify

Customer recurring payment schedules.

Ref: Stripe docs

create foreign table stripe.subscriptions (
id text,
customer text,
currency text,
current_period_start timestamp,
current_period_end timestamp,
attrs jsonb
server stripe_server
options (
object 'subscriptions',
rowid_column 'id'

While any column is allowed in a where clause, it is most efficient to filter by:

  • id
  • customer
  • price
  • status


read only

Tokenization is the process Stripe uses to collect sensitive card or bank account details, or personally identifiable information (PII), directly from your customers in a secure manner.

Ref: Stripe docs

create foreign table stripe.tokens (
id text,
customer text,
currency text,
current_period_start timestamp,
current_period_end timestamp,
attrs jsonb
server stripe_server
options (
object 'tokens'


read only

To top up your Stripe balance, you create a top-up object.

Ref: Stripe docs

create foreign table stripe.topups (
id text,
amount bigint,
currency text,
description text,
status text,
created timestamp,
attrs jsonb
server stripe_server
options (
object 'topups'

While any column is allowed in a where clause, it is most efficient to filter by:

  • id
  • status


read only

A Transfer object is created when you move funds between Stripe accounts as part of Connect.

Ref: Stripe docs

create foreign table stripe.transfers (
id text,
amount bigint,
currency text,
description text,
destination text,
created timestamp,
attrs jsonb
server stripe_server
options (
object 'transfers'

While any column is allowed in a where clause, it is most efficient to filter by:

  • id
  • destination

Query Pushdown Support

This FDW supports where clause pushdown. You can specify a filter in where clause and it will be passed to Stripe API call.

For example, this query

select * from stripe.customers where id = 'cus_xxx';

will be translated Stripe API call:

For supported filter columns for each object, please check out foreign table documents above.


Some examples on how to use Stripe foreign tables.

Basic example

-- always limit records to reduce API calls to Stripe
select * from stripe.customers limit 10;
select * from stripe.invoices limit 10;
select * from stripe.subscriptions limit 10;

Query JSON attributes

-- extract account name for an invoice
select id, attrs->>'account_name' as account_name
from stripe.invoices where id = 'in_xxx';
-- extract invoice line items for an invoice
select id, attrs#>'{lines,data}' as line_items
from stripe.invoices where id = 'in_xxx';
-- extract subscription items for a subscription
select id, attrs#>'{items,data}' as items
from stripe.subscriptions where id = 'sub_xxx';

Data modify

insert into stripe.customers(email,name,description) values ('[email protected]', 'test name', null);
update stripe.customers set description='hello fdw' where id ='cus_xxx';
update stripe.customers set attrs='{"metadata[foo]": "bar"}' where id ='cus_xxx';
delete from stripe.customers where id ='cus_xxx';

To insert into an object with sub-fields, we need to create the foreign table with column name exactly same as the API required. For example, to insert a subscription object we can define the foreign table following the Stripe API docs:

-- create the subscription table for data insertion, the 'customer'
-- and 'items[0][price]' fields are required.
create foreign table stripe.subscriptions (
id text,
customer text,
"items[0][price]" text -- column name will be used in API Post request
server stripe_server
options (
object 'subscriptions',
rowid_column 'id'

And then we can insert a subscription like below:

insert into stripe.subscriptions (customer, "items[0][price]")
values ('cus_Na6dX7aXxi11N4', 'price_1MowQULkdIwHu7ixraBm864M');

Note this foreign table is only for data insertion, it cannot be used in select statement.