Use Supabase with Ruby on Rails
Learn how to create a Rails project and connect it to your Supabase Postgres database.
Create a Rails Project
Make sure your Ruby and Rails versions are up to date, then use rails new
to scaffold a new Rails project. Use the -d=postgresql
flag to set it up for Postgres.
Go to the Rails docs for more details.
1rails new blog -d=postgresql
Set up the Postgres connection details
Go to and create a new Supabase project. Save your database password securely.
When your project is up and running, navigate to the database settings to find the URI connection string. Make sure Use connection pooling is checked and Session mode is selected. Then copy the URI. Replace the password placeholder with your saved database password.
If your network supports IPv6 connections, you can also use the direct connection string. Uncheck Use connection pooling and copy the new URI.
1export DATABASE_URL=postgres://
Create and run a database migration
Rails includes Active Record as the ORM as well as database migration tooling which generates the SQL migration files for you.
Create an example Article
model and generate the migration files.
12bin/rails generate model Article title:string body:textbin/rails db:migrate
Use the Model to interact with the database
You can use the included Rails console to interact with the database. For example, you can create new entries or list all entries in a Model's table.
1bin/rails console
1234article = "Hello Rails", body: "I am on Rails!") # Saves the entry to the databaseArticle.all
Start the app
Run the development server. Go to in a browser to see your application running.
1bin/rails server