Use Supabase with iOS and SwiftUI
Learn how to create a Supabase project, add some sample data to your database, and query the data from an iOS app.
Create a Supabase project
Go to and create a new Supabase project.
When your project is up and running, go to the Table Editor, create a new table and insert some data.
Alternatively, you can run the following snippet in your project's SQL Editor. This will create a instruments
table with some sample data.
12345678910111213-- Create the tablecreate table instruments ( id bigint primary key generated always as identity, name text not null);-- Insert some sample data into the tableinsert into instruments (name)values ('violin'), ('viola'), ('cello');alter table instruments enable row level security;
Make the data in your table publicly readable by adding an RLS policy:
1234create policy "public can read instruments"on public.instrumentsfor select to anonusing (true);
Create an iOS SwiftUI app with Xcode
Open Xcode > New Project > iOS > App. You can skip this step if you already have a working app.
Install the Supabase client library
Install Supabase package dependency using Xcode by following Apple's tutorial.
Make sure to add Supabase
product package as dependency to the application.
Initialize the Supabase client
Create a new Supabase.swift
file add a new Supabase instance using your project URL and public API (anon) key:
Project URL
Anon key
123456import Supabaselet supabase = SupabaseClient( supabaseURL: URL(string: "YOUR_SUPABASE_URL")!, supabaseKey: "YOUR_SUPABASE_ANON_KEY")
Create a data model for instruments
Create a decodable struct to deserialize the data from the database.
Add the following code to a new file named Instrument.swift
1234struct Instrument: Decodable, Identifiable { let id: Int let name: String}
Query data from the app
Use a task
to fetch the data from the database and display it using a List
Replace the default ContentView
with the following code.
12345678910111213141516171819202122struct ContentView: View { @State var instruments: [Instrument] = [] var body: some View { List(instruments) { instrument in Text( } .overlay { if instruments.isEmpty { ProgressView() } } .task { do { instruments = try await supabase.from("instruments").select().execute().value } catch { dump(error) } } }}
Start the app
Run the app on a simulator or a physical device by hitting Cmd + R
on Xcode.